「49th period」: embarassment time

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H O T A R U   F U J I O K A
of 3-A

How embarrassing, I thought, covering my face as I changed into my clothes in the dressing room

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How embarrassing, I thought, covering my face as I changed into my clothes in the dressing room.

I can't believe I sang about him.

What were you thinking, Hotaru?, I mentally scolded myself, lifting the curtain as I headed outside.

What if he was there?

No---Don't get your hopes up like that.

"Ah, Fujioka-san" Sakakibara snapped me out of my thoughts, greeting me right after I changed back into my uniform. "Ishikawa-kun's asking for you outside".

I almost forgot.

"U-Um...Thanks" I told him. "A-ano...Sakakibara-kun... Can I talk to you first?".

Thinking so much about Itona, almost made me forget another important person who played a role in my life, my friend and classmate.

"Okay. I know what you're going to say though" he smiled sadly at me. "There's someone isn't there?".

I bowed my head in apology, "U-Um...Your confession really made me happy, and I'm thankful. B-But I really like this guy for awhile now---".

"Raise your head" he told me, and I did so, only to be greeted by a peck on my cheek.

I blushed from embarrassment.

"There you go. I got back didn't I?" he said, "Be happy Hotaru-chan~".

Thank you, Ren-kun.

I hugged my brother, right after I left the room.

"Hii-kun" I whined.

"What happened?" He raised a brow, unwrapping himself from my arms.

"I'm tired" I sighed, loosing energy to stand.

"Well, I know something that might help you regain your energy" he looked from afar, and I soon followed his gaze, looking at the direction he glanced.

My face was immediately greeted by numerous shades of red.

"Hikaru!" I reprimanded him in a whisper, only to be cut off by the other person.

"Good job" Itona greeted me, walking beside Iroha, who had her face stuffed with food.


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