Chapter One

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"So you're the new housemate?" A girl with all white hair asks me, looking me over carefully. My blue jeans and white t-shirt and green jacket did not compare to her light, icy blue dress.

“RUBY!” the girl yelled into the house, “THE NEW GIRL’S HERE!” The girl moved out of the way and motioned me inside. I stepped in, duffle bag in my left hand, and my spear in my right.

“Ah!” I heard a voice exclaim, followed by a thump nearby.

“Ruby…” the girl with white hair groaned. She then looked at me and said, “I do hope you’re much more coordinated than she is.”

I slightly nodded and looked at the girl standing up at the bottom of a staircase. She had on a black dress with some red. Her hair came just past her jaw and was also reddish black.

“What’s with all of the dresses?” I asked quietly, not to anyone in particular.

“Did you say something?” white-haired girl asked.

“N-no. I didn’t. Well, I did, but I was talking to myself.”

“Oh,” she said reservedly, “You’re one of those. I’m Weiss, by the way.”

“Ruby,” the girl in black and red said, joining the conversation, “And you are?”

Before I could answer, a girl in white shorts and a purple camisole was shoved out of the kitchen by a girl in black shorts and a yellow camisole. The girl in purple had long black hair with a black bow on top. The girl in yellow had long blonde hair and black gloves.

“I’m Yang!” the girl with blonde hair said, “And this is Blake.”

The girl black hair, Blake, just sort of nodded at me.

“And you’re Gabriellen, correct?” Ruby asked.

“You can just call me Gabi. It’s easier.”

“Well, welcome to the house,” Weiss said, before leaving and walking up the stairs. Blake was nowhere to be seen and Yang made her way back through the door she had come out of. Just Ruby and I remained at the front door.

“I’ll show you around.” Ruby turned and started making her way up the staircase she had fallen down from. I followed right behind her up the metal spiral staircase. Once we reached the first floor, Ruby motioned me onto the floor.

“These are our bedrooms. Behind you is the closet, mainly used for bedding and that sort of stuff. The first bedroom on the right is mine, the next is Blake’s, the girl black hair you somewhat met earlier. On the left is Weiss’s, the girl who, eh, ‘welcomed’ you in, then Yang’s, the blonde girl, and this one,” Ruby stopped at the last door on the left side of the hallway, “is normally vacant, but now it’s yours. You can leave your duffle bag, I’m assuming that is contains your clothes and such, and your weapon, outside your door. Now,” she turned around, “up one more floor and our tour will almost be finished!”

We made our way up stairs and I heard loud, metallic slices come from the room to my right. I was curious as to what was going on, but Ruby led me the opposite directing. We entered a large room with three large tables and all the walls covered in bookshelves. I didn’t need Ruby to tell me that this was the library. She told me that the library contained all kinds of books, and if I had any requests, to take them to Blake. Ruby led me across the hallway into the room where the metallic slices were coming from. The room was all padded except for one which was all mirrors. There were human shaped pads lined along a wall and several other things along the other walls. However, it was who was working in the room that caught my attention. Blake, I believe her name was, was moving fluidly through the room and around several pads. I heard another metallic slice and saw the top half of a pad lying on the floor.  Blake spun on her heels and froze, a long, black sword in her hands… except she was holding it straight up.

“Very nice Blake,” Ruby said calmly, “Now put the gun down.”

“Gun…?” I asked.

Blake lowered her sword and I then saw that the hilt was a pistol. She sheathed her sword and said, “New girl, what’d you think?”

“Very nice. Don’t hesitate though. I also noticed a slight stutter step, make sure to watch that, easy for an enemy to knock you unbalanced, and in a competition, it could mean the difference between a gold and bronze medal.” I definitely felt more comfortable in a conversation like this.

“Huh, thanks. I never noticed that. I’ll work on that.”

“Well, I’ll continue the tours. Later Blake.”

“Bye Ruby and…”

“Gabi,” I answered, “Nice weapon, by the way.”

I followed Ruby out of the training room and followed her all the way downstairs into the basement where she showed me storage rooms for each person. Back up onto the ground floor, she showed me the kitchen where Yang was munching on some cereal, the living room, and the patio outside. The yard was basically a huge field that eventually led to forest.

“Do you guys cut all the grass?” I asked astonished.

“Weiss and I go back and forth,” Ruby answered, “And that ends the tour! You can go and make yourself at home. Oh!” she paused, “By the way, for breakfast, lunch, and snacks, you’re on your own, but we normally have dinner together every night. We rotate who cooks, but we will fill you in on that tonight. I’ll get you when it’s time.”

“Alright,” I said, “Thanks for the tour.”

“You’re welcome, and welcome to the house. It’ll be nice to have someone new in the mix, and have the empty room filled.”

And with that, Ruby disappeared back into the house. I slipped back into the living room and made my way up the spiral staircase. I slowly walked down the hallway and picked up my staff and duffle, and moved them into my room. It was a rather large room with a simple bed, side table, lamp, desk, and dresser. I investigated the room in the back and discovered that it was a bathroom. The floors were hardwood and all of the woodwork was spruce it looked like. I laid down on the bed and thought to myself, “Welcome to your new home Gabi. Make it better than your last.”

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