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Light blue sky, the shining sun, a little sparkling crystal clear lake, surrounded by green fresh grasses. The puff-looking snow white clouds decorated the sunny skies. Fishes swam around underneath the glittering water. It was as if you could feel the cool breeze blows so nicely to you, hitting your warm skin and cooling it down.

"What a view isn't it?" asked a boy, seemed to be in his 16 or 17, or maybe older, wearing a light brown, slightly tattered coat, a shirt with mixed red colours hiding under the coat . He put his hand over his dark brown hair and sighed, glanced at the old looking bag on his left shoulder. "If only it's not a painting." He said before he walked away from the framed canvas on the floor that was covered with quite a thick layer of dust and dirt.

"What do you expect? You would never find a view like that in this beaten up, barren wasteland," Said a man as he looked over to the boy, his eyes as cold as ice. The boy sighed again and nodded in agreement. The man wore a black hat covered with a little bit of dust, his knee length pitch black cloak moved ever so slightly as the wind entered through a cracked, broken window. "Found nothing else to loot?" the man asked as he carefully walked on the already creaking wood like it could break anytime if he didn't lighten his every step.

"No, bad luck seems to follow us these days. Maybe we should try to find other places that... looks a bit better than this complete run down, deserted house. Seems the owner already left for a very long time." The boy replied as he followed the man and both left the run down old house.

Outside, the sky didn't look friendly either, the heat was too much and the dry, hot wind that blew through them didn't really help either. Sitting on a rock, two girls waiting, they appear to be a bit younger than the boy, maybe only a year or a few months apart. The man looked over to a used-to-be-a-building rubble not too far from the house. The three understood what he meant just by looking at his almost expressionless face. One of the girl, with a shoulder length blonde hair, eyes as blue as one sunny cloudless sky, patted the boy's shoulder and smiled slightly.

"Next time, your turn to watch our stuff." She said, chuckling at the end of her sentence. The boy groaned and nodded in defeat, well, there's nothing he could really do to escape from his turn anyway.

"You already tried to escape a few times! Don't think our friend would let you do that again!" the other girl said, who had a long slightly curly hair with a brown colour that would remind you of the trees, her eyes as green as the healthy leaves. The two girls giggled and walked ahead.

"Yeah right... I will get caged in again if I even try!" yelled the boy as he fasten his pace to catch the two girls and walked right behind them. The man only watched the three teenagers from behind, from his usually expressionless face formed a thin, almost unnoticeable smile. He looked up to the sky, holding his black hat so it won't fall or get blown by the wind.

"I wonder what does fate has to offer?"

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