Part One) The Beginning.

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Would recommend reading but you can skip: Hii. This story will have NO SMUT I'm too innocent to write smut xD and also France wifi is bad so I won't update too much (will only update like once every two weeks? Maybe less I'll try to do it every day lol) the pic is of UK that I took a couple months ago (:

Narrator:What is up everyone! Today we will have 6 YouTube stars to stay 14 nights at the 'Moonshine' 5 star hotel at  a tropical island!
(Moonshine isn't a real hotel I don't think o.o)
Narrator: the people who are staying here are...:

Narrator: That's all we have at the moment.. call (number) and us who you want in. Every day we will add a new person. So tell us (comment) who you want in!

But let's get this started.

7:00 AM
Leafys P.O.V

I can't believe I got up this early today. Just to do this and all the people who are here at the moment ARE THE PEOPLE WHO I HATE😭  I'm having the worst luck smh .-. Oh well 😔 I guess I'll have to deal with it. I also heard they will be taking away beds once there's more people so people will have to sleep together I can't fucking wait. Why did I do this 😒

7:30 AM

Leafys P.O.V
I guess it isn't that bad. I've got off the boat now. Time to tell onision to gEt the FUCK OUT

Nah nah I'm joking 🙃 if I told anyone to gtfo it'd be keem (:

7:40 AM

Onisions P.O.V

"Well great" I say to no one in particular as leafy just looks pissed. "It's not that bad you know 😐" I say to
Him, "Well I'm with the two people who I 'loooove' aren't I 😒" leafy replies to me in a very sarcastic voice. "Let's just go get breakfast 😬" I say trying to make the best of this situation. "BUT BREAKFAST HAS BACON ARE YOU EVEN A REAL VEGAN OR WERE YOU FAKING IT??" Keem decides to say that to me. For fucks sake I wouldn't eat the bacon is he a idiot. I just sighed and told him I wouldn't eat the bacon but he gave me a suspicious look 👀 .

8:00 AM

Keems P.O.V

All the lying man sluts are here1!1!

(I'm sorry 😂😂)

Onisions P.O.V

We've all finished eating now so I decided to try and start a conversation with Calvin (:
"So... how come you came here??"

Leafys P.O.V

Greg just asked me why I came here... I don't know what to say. The honest reason is... well, i. I kinda wanted to be- friends with Greg. >.< I ALSO DID IT BECAUSE I WANTED TO SEE WHO WOULD COME- I think 😅😬.
God I'm turning into a pussy .-.
It's not that I like Greg or anything

8:02 AM

Gregs P.O.V

He didn't reply I'm guessing he hates me. Shame, I wouldn't have minded being his friend. He is kinda cute... I guess..

Sorry it's short and crap xD I'm not as good as other writers I know. Please don't give me hate and if you could - can you write else you want in the story because I have no idea (I could just make up random people if you want)

14 Days Of Paradise// Leafnision Where stories live. Discover now