Paradise with Jungkook

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"Y/N." Jungkook prods you with your passport. "Don't forget your passport or else we won't be able to go to paradise." He teases you with a grin.
"Yes yes I know Jungkookie." You tease him back as you take your passport from his hand. The line still has not gone down. You and Jungkook are on the way to Kota Kinabalu in Malaysia. Jungkook has been there once before and loved it so naturally he wanted to share the experience with his girlfriend. Slowly the line for security started to move forward. "How do you deal with the slow lines?" You ask Jungkook. He shrugs.
"I'm not sure. The hyungs normally help with that. That or I'm so tired I don't remember anything." He laughs a little.
"Ah..." You reply back. Bang-nim gave all the boys a month vacation before their next promotion so Jungkook spent two weeks with his family and now his last two weeks are going to be spent with you in Paradise. You were so excited. It's been a while since you were able to go on real a vacation not like little day trips or weekend trips with your family to the different regions of Korea but nothing really big like going to a new country. You were so excited that Jungkook had to help you keep track of everything.
"Y/N." Jungkook prodded you again. "The line moved, we're almost up. Do you have everything ready?" You quickly pat your body and pockets making sure everything is in your hand and ready. You grip your backpack straps tighter and grin at him. "Yep." You show him your passport, ticket, and id to prove to him. He chuckles and smiles at you. "Good."
You both get through security very quickly and easily. As you got checked, your mind starts to run wild. Sometimes you wonder what people think when they see you and Jungkook together. He was wearing sunglasses and a face mask with jeans, combat boots, and a gray hoodie. Very discrete clothing yet you thought he looked so good in it. Did people notice that he was Jeon Jungkook of Bts? Most of the time people would do double takes to see if it was really him or just a doppelganger. You always worried about this and that someday the ARMYs would find out he had a girlfriend especially when his girlfriend looks like a foreigner. Even though you've been dating for close to 1 1/2 years you still get nervous. You on the other hand were wearing jean shorts, flip flops, and a bright sweatshirt. Normal boring traveling clothes. Your analysis was interrupted by a kiss on the cheek.
"Y/N. I know that look." Jungkook looks at you with his eyebrows pulled together in concern.
"What look? This is my normal face." You try to cover it up. He takes your hands.
"Quit worrying jagiya. We're one step closer to Paradise and I can't wait to show you everything." His excitement is infectious and makes you excited too. You lean up on your tiptoes to give him a quick peck.
"Thank you Jungkook." You smile at him. He smiles back at you. "Let's go find our gate aegiyah." Jungkook interlocks your hand with his and leads you through the crowd. Soon you are able to board the plane. Jungkook takes his seat and you sit next to him.
"Ready Y/N?" He asks you.
"Very much so." You tell him with a grin. He leans in and pulls you into a kiss.
"Good..." He murmers against your lips. You pull back slightly red. Jungkook looks at you with a cheeky smirk.
"Evil Jeon Jungkook..." You mutter under your breath. He just laughs and gets situated in his seat. The flight was about 5 hours long. You and Jungkook passed the time by napping, listening to music, reading, and watching movies but mainly napping. Security and disembarking were all faster than in Seoul. You ended up hanging onto Jungkook's hoodie while looking around the new airport and scenery as you made your way to the luggage pickup so you wouldn't get lost. He just chuckled at your wondering and let you look around while he got everything around.
"Y/N." He broke your attention away from everything. "Ready to go to our hotel? I have everything." He hoisted up your luggage to show you. You grin at him and take your luggage from him.
"Of course." He smiles back at you and gives you a peck.
"Let's go start our vacation." Jungkook took care of all the expenses and the details of the trip. He booked for you both to stay in the Sutera Harbour Resort. As Jungkook gets checked in, you look around a bit. You find the huge swimming pool, the fitness center, bar/lounge, spa and the restaurant inside the hotel. "Wow..." You say in awe. You make your way to the beach entrance. The beach seems to go on forever. The ocean is sparkling in the afternoon sunlight which pulls out all the different blues in the water. It really does look like paradise. You could already feel yourself relaxing. As you breathe deeply out, a pair of arms encircle your waist and a head props itself on your shoulder.
"I told you. Paradise." Jungkook whispers into your ear, sending shivers down your spine. He gently kisses your ear and down to where your neck and shoulder meet. More goosebumps show up on your skin. He presses one last kiss on your temple and removes himself from you. He holds a hand out for you.
"They have our room ready." You nod and take his hand. The hotel room is gorgeous. It turns out that Jungkook booked you guys a suite. The suite was large with a bedroom, bathroom, balcony, and living room coming off of the bedroom. There was also a small area for the mini fridge and microwave. It was pretty colors, a few blues to draw from the blue of the ocean and cream to level everything out. You run out onto the balcony which is facing the ocean.
"Wow~" You sigh. Jungkook comes behind you and wraps his arms around your waist, resting his hands on your hips.
"Do you like it?" He asks you again whispering into your ear. You try to keep your face from blushing a deep red.
"I hope you don't mind that there's only one bed too." He adds. You can practically hear the smirk in his voice. You turn around and lightly hit his chest.
"Jungkook! Quit teasing!" You keep your face down just in case. Even after almost 2 years of dating he still makes comments like that. It is not like you have never slept in the same bed when you get tired and take a nap at his dorms or if he comes over to your apartment. He just laughs and pulls you into his chest.
"I know you wouldn't mind Y/N. I just love teasing you." He kisses the top of your head. Now it is your turn to wrap your arms around him. You grip his shoulders and hug him tight.
"I know Jungkookie..." You mumble into his chest. "You make me all red when you talk like that though..." Your voice slowly gets quieter and quieter. Jungkook puts a finger under your chin, forcing you to look up and at him.
"I know Y/N. That's why I do it." He puts a hand on the back of your neck and on the small of your back and pulls you into him. You melt into the kiss, feeling all your worries and stress drift away with each passing heartbeat. You can hear Jungkook's heartbeat and yours blending together to create one. You move your hands up to Jungkook's nape, gently running his hair through your fingers, gripping it every once in a while. It seems like forever and then like it only lasted for a second but soon the need for air is overpowering and you break apart. Jungkook looks down at you and smiles with his swollen lips and red cheeks. You look up at him gently touching your equally swollen lips.
"I love you Y/N. You know that?" He tells you. You nod.
"I know and I love you too Jungkook." You respond.
"Good." He says while flashing another grin and squeezes you before turning back into the room to start unpacking. You both unpack all your clothes and belongings, placing everything in their temporary spots for the next 2 weeks. After the suitcases are emptied and put into a corner, you flop onto the bed.
"Wahh~" You sigh. The jet leg was starting to catch up with you. Jungkook flops down next to you with a big jump to purposely make you fly into the air. You land next to him, laughing. He laughs hard too and wraps his arms around you once again.
"So Y/N what is the first thing you want to do in Paradise?" He asks you, looking into your eyes and smiles big. You giggle and snuggle into his arms.
"Well a nap sounds nice..." You lay your head on his chest. He puts one arm underneath his head and the other tucked around you.
"Do you want to take a nap and then go explore the beach or pool?" Jungkook asks. You just mumble an "Mmhm..." and start to nod off. He chuckles lightly, the sound echoing in his chest, and gives you a peck on the forehead. "That's sounds like a good idea..." He says softly before closing his eyes too.

***Part 2 coming soon***

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