“Everyone has a story, make your own worth telling.”
Patrick Ricketts
»I hate mornings« Elizabeth sighed as she was slowly getting out of her cosy bed. She was like any other girl that you meet on the street. Long brown hair, slightly curly and eyes in a hazelnut colour. Height and weight – average. She was living with her parents and three brothers in a tiny, but very homey house in Little haven, Wales.
As she was getting out of bed she could already hear her mother preparing breakfast in the kitchen downstairs. Eggs with bacon, again. Every single day is the same, why I was even expecting something different she thought as she was slowly making her way to the kitchen. Dad was in the kitchen drinking his coffee and reading newspaper, as always and her oldest brother Luke was completely quiet, but in a way he looked very nervous. This was certainly different as he was always loud and prepare to joke around. Elizabeth has just started pouring tea in a cup as Luke announced he is quitting school. That came as a suprise, since Luke was a straight A student. Mom was in such shook she dropped a pan with eggs and made a real mess on the floor. »Is this some kind of joke?« she was screaming out of her lungs. No, Luke said calmly. I am so done with school, really I see no point, he explained. You could see that dad was just about to explode and mom was having a mini heart attack. »Family having good time?« Mike saying with joyfull voice as he was coming to the kitchen with a football ball in his hands.
Mike is that kind of guy that every girl wants to date. Easy going with athletic body. He adores football or really any kind of sport. Without exafferation he is propably good at any sport you can imagine, but football is his passion.
Michael, not the right time, Elizabeth whispered as dad was just to start his speach about why school is important. You know, school… school is good for you. It gives you knowledge and you are good at that, learning I mean. You can succeed, you are the smartest in our family, you know. As dad was trying to be all smart and that you could tell Luke has made his decision already and there was no way he would change his mind.
Luke really is the smartest in family, no doubt. He is also a big mystery. He behaves as really relaxed guy that likes to make fun of people, but he never really talks about his feelings or anything that will help to get to know him and also he snuck out of the house every single evening and returned late at night and everyone knew that but no one ever asked where he is going or with whom, since his grades were brilliant and obviously this was the only important thing when it comes to Luke and probably he wouldn’t told you anyway.
“I don’t care about math, or about those atoms that forms everything. Whatever, I don’t want to learn about those dead people who made a difference. I want to make a difference, I want to be the one that kids will read about in books.” Luke was looking so serious while, for the first time, he was talking about himself, his life and his wishes. Mom started to laugh and no one was really sure if Luke’s monolog was so funny to her or it was just the fact that she was so desperate. Stop, just stop, what are you even talking about? Are you living in a dream? You have completely lost your mind she told, took a deep breath and started cleaning the mess she created with eggs. It all looked like the family will go back to their ritual – Mike and Elizabeth started chating about random school projects and their plans for the day, dad went back to the newspaper and mom was just about to make another round of eggs with bacon when Luke walked out of the kitchen. “What has happened to this boy today? He used to be so normal and not seeking for attention” was mom debating with herself, but no one really paid any attention so she just continued speaking her thoughts out loud.
Elizabeth was the only one who slightly knew what was going on in Luke’s head. Maybe she knew him best of all the people. She knew Luke is a smart guy not just school wise, but in general. He was always telling her about a plan, but never explained himself and it was driving her mad. She followed him into his room. When she, after so many years, entered his room she was completely shocked. Well… this is not what expected, to be honest, she replaced with hello.
His walls was covered with maps – world map, maps with different countries and breathtaking pictures from all around the world.
“Yeah, my plan you know… I want to travel. I want to know about the world, after all I am the smart one, right? I want to learn all about it” he smiles and for the first time she noticed that little sparkle in his eyes and really felt his passion. That is your plan, to run away? Isn’t that a bit crazy Luke? Elizabeth wasn’t sure if it was adrenalin that was running through her blood or the fact that Luke was almost done with his packing, but in a second she was sure that she wants to join him on his road, whatever it takes.
I am going with you and don't even try to convince me to stay, you know we have stubbornness in our blood, Elizabeth cleared her mind. Luke stopped packing and on his face you could see mixed emotions. It was not very common that he didn't know what was going on. “You are definitely not. You are going to stay right here.” Luke was not about to joke around or even have a discussion about Elizabeth coming with him on the road to nowhere. He put his suitcase in the closet and walk out of the room, since it was still morning and he was not feeling like having a conversation with parents or telling them his plan.
Elizabeth stayed in his room and admired the piece of art he made on the wall with collages. So many thoughts were running through her head, but the desire of adventure her brother was just about to take never disappeared.
After a while she was more than ready to go packing and the only problem she really had was the fact that Luke never told her where he was headed to. Maybe he is going to London or Manchester, he loved that city she remembered, or even Dublin. She was soon done and decided to spend few hours with her best friend since kinder garden Marie in a local café.
Evening soon came and Elizabeth took her suitcase and went waiting in Luke's room. Hours went on and on and he still didn't show up. She checked his closet if his belongings were still there and they were just like he left them. She almost fell asleep as he finally walked into the room. You were serious ha, he commented while looking at his little sister with a mysterious look. He took out of the closet his suitcase and Gibson guitar that no one knew about and sat on the bed next to Elizabeth. You are not angry or at least try to convice me to stay? Elizabeth was so confused. In the morning Luke made everything so clear and now he was all chilled and ready to take her with him. I would be disapointed if you gave up trying, he sighed. Elizabeth couldn't believe what she has just heard. You are saying what? I don't get it.
You could feel the tense in the room and Elizabeth started losing her mind, while her brother was completely calm. Italy, I like Italy – Luke broke the silence. He started to talk about what all he wants to see and try out. They both took geography in school so conversation went easily on and with every reason they stated the excitment about the adventure increased. »You know… I knew you were not like them. I think you really are something special and it would be such a shame for you to stay here. I just didn't want to put preassure on you or tell you what is best or what to do. You are smart enough, even if people don't see that. I think you are the most reasonable in the family. I meant it when I said I would be disapointed if you would gave up so easily.« Luke never talked about feelings or what he truly thought about someone. With expressing his thoughts the whole conversation got a whole new meaning and with every minute passing, their relationship only grew stronger.
Now we really have to go, Luke mentioned. Italy is waiting, he winked at Elizabeth, grabed his belongings and her suitcase and started to walk out of the room.
Italy?! I thought you were kidding about that!