Be nice to your tree this Christmas

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I am a young pine tree. I am going to tell you the story of the day I was cut down and became a Christmas tree.

The men came with their big lorries and evil weaponry. They started three trees down from me. The noise the weaponry makes is deafening. The first tree has fallen. Two more and it's me. Where are they going to take us? The next tree has gone. One more and it's me. The two men behind the machinery look really strong. The other two men behind them are throwing us into the back of one of the lorries. They're finished. It's my turn. Here they come. Does it hurt? They're getting ready with...that thing. They've turned it on with that deafening sound. What's happening? I am falling. They're on the next tree. It's over. Or is it? The other men are throwing me into the back of the lorry with all the other trees.

Me and the other trees are being driven some where. Who knows where? It's very crowded in here. The two men wrapped us up in a green cover each. Probably so they can fit more of us in the lorry.

Now they are unpacking us from the back of the lorry. They are standing us up in cone shaped things. Pots I think there called. Thank goodness the green cover has been taken off. They took some of us inside and stood us next to all the other plants. It's hot on here compared to we're we used to.

I still don't understand why we are here. People have been coming up to me and the other trees and plants all morning. Someone came and put a label on me earlier. I can't read it though. Another family just came in and keep coming up to me and looking at all my branches.

I'm in the air again but this time one man is carrying me. It was the one from the family that kept looking at me. A person who works here has just scanned my label thing then ripped it off me. The person gave the money to the lady. I know a lot about money. The notes are made from us trees.

I'm being driven some where again. The man who was carrying me, shoved me in the back of the car and slammed the door on me. He's not a very good driver either. I keep hitting my self on the door every time we go round a corner and to make things worse, the green cover has been put back on me. Could this day get any worse.

I take back what I said about the day getting any worse. When we got in, they put me in the corner of the room with lots of newspaper underneath me. I over heard the man saying I was too wet. He should try standing out in the rain for 24 hours, 7 days a week. It's winter.

I've now been what they say 'decorated'. To start with they wrapped me up in a gold and silver shiny thing that is really uncomfortable. Then they started hanging little balls and shapes from my branches. They actually get really heavy after you stand there with them for a while. My poor branches will never be the same. The last thing they did was put a star on my head. The male one lifted up the kid, so he could put the star on the top. I look ridiculous. The female one then came and put what looked like wrapped up boxes underneath me. What are they meant to be?

I've been stood here like this for about 4 days now and all that has changed is there are now more wrapped up boxes underneath me. I wish I was still outside not in this hot enclosed space.

I don't know what is so special about today, but there seem to be more people in the house than there was before. Finally they have taken the boxes from under me and unwrapped them. Apparently they are called presents. I don't know what is so special about them. One kid got a weird talking animal thing. I mean what is so special about that.

It's about a 5 days past that 'special' day. Thankfully they have started to take off all that decorative stuff and put it away. They took me outside to this massive hole to the side of the grass. They then put a little bit of my trunk in it and filled in the dirt around me. So I did get returned to the outside.

Before the male one went back in he said to me "until next year then little tree". I wonder what that means?

So please be nice to your Christmas tree this year as we really don't know what's going on and if you are going to decorate us, please do it nicely.

The End

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2013 ⏰

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