Before this all began

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I don't own the cover

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I don't own the cover.  I found the picture on google, erased the former lettering and typed in my title. Even though I love it and would love to claim it as my own, it is not.  I'm not trying to claim anyone else's work.

This story is complete. It is already posted on my account.  Enjoy reading!


2 years ago -

It was a cold, bleak afternoon. Myra was walking home from school, something she only did on rare occasions. She had taken it upon herself to walk home after her parents didn't show up like usual. Something was very wrong; she could feel it in her bones. Her parents always showed up, unless they had a event to attend to, such as those boring adult 'parties' that were so ridiculous. Seriously, who wants to stand around and drink champagne for hours at a time?

Now of course, her friend Gwen had offered to drop her off at home, but Myra had declined, for the weather was nice (despite the cold and gray clouds) and she felt like walking.

Turning onto her street, West Baker Avenue, she froze. Two police cars were parked outside her home. What had happened? Breaking into a run, Myra made it to her house within a minute. Running up to one of the officers, she asked, "Officer? What happened?" The officer, who looked to be in his mid-forties, replied, "Are you Myra Brown?

The sinking feeling reappeared even heavier and she nodded. "Yes, sir, I am."

"I regret to inform you that your parents, Bethany and John Brown, have died. They were killed in a car crash. We contacted your aunt," he paused and looked at his papers, "Keera Moore, but she can't take you. Do you have anyone who would take you? A friend, perhaps?"

Crying, I shook my head no. "No, I don't."

"Then you will go into the adoption system. We already contacted one of the staff, Joan Lark, and she says she is willing to take you in. You'll be leaving tomorrow, so best pack your things and be ready. You'll stay at the station tonight." He informed me, and I nodded shakily. Then a thought occurred to me.

"Can I take my cat?" I asked.

"No, you can't. If nobody can take it, it'll have to go to animal control." The officer didn't look too thrilled to be discussing this, and quickly he changed the subject. "Do you have a key to the house?"

"Yes..." I ran up to the porch and swiped the key out from under the old pot. Opening the front door, I breathed in the familiar air, which still smelled like homemade cookies from a couple of hours ago. The officer and his younger partner came in behind me.

"Mrrow?" my cat, Snowflake, meowed. A solid white cat with blue eyes, she was stunning.

I knelt down and petted her for a moment before I stood up. The officer was holding a picture of me and my parents together at the beach, and I watched as he studied it for a moment, then set it down in the wrong spot. I huffed in annoyance and brushed past him, fixing it as I went into my room and pulled down my old suitcase, and then my new one. I had recieved it as a gift from my parents in anticipation for our yearly trip to Oregon to see Aunt Keera. I stared at it, a memory washing over me.

"How about this one, honey?" my mom asked, showing me a ugly suitcase. I wrinkled my nose in distaste and shook my head.

"No, mom, I don't like it." I caught sight of a beautiful emerald green suitcase. I ran over to it, giddy with excitement. I hugged it, then turned to my mom. "I want this one." Twirling it around on its wheels a few times, I then took it and walked around, imitating one of the fancy ladies on television. My mom laughed at my silliness.

"Okay, this one it is. Imagine, Aunt Keera will say 'look at my niece, she really knows how to look good!' when we go visit her." I danced around in excitement while my dad paid for it.

"How long until we go on our trip?" I asked.

"Not for two more weeks, honey." my mom replied as I wheeled my new suitcase outside. Fighting back tears as I remembered the fun I had just a few weeks ago. I hadn't even gone on vacation yet. Someone had killed my parents and stripped me of that right. Sure, I had been on vacation before, but this time was supposed to be special. Because we were going to actually travel on a plane this time. I let out a involuntary whimper as I blindly started packing up everything. Trying to fit my entire bedroom (except for furniture) into two suitcases and a backpack.

One year ago -

"WHERE ARE YOU, LITTLE BRAT?" Matthew shouted. Matthew, you see, had adopted me from Joan about a year ago. He was actually quite nice, until he started drinking and getting mixed up with some bad guys. At the moment, he's drunk, which is why I'm hiding. When he gets drunk, he starts abusing me and telling me that it's my fault my parents are dead. Totally not true, but still, it stings, and a little sliver of me deep down starts to question: What if...? My thoughts were interrupted by a bang! and I nearly leaped out of my hiding place. Loud footsteps approached and I swallowed, my heart thumping in my chest. A note dropped down through the small gap I use for air. I opened it cautiously, and it read: Don't worry, I won't harm you. Escape now, your adopted father is unconscious. He will be fine. But you need to escape NOW. I will provide protection for you. Go! -C.J. I gasped. How did this 'C.J.' person know all about me, and know I wanted to leave?

But I wasted no time and quickly I grabbed my backpack, which I had been preparing for weeks. It was heavy, but crammed full of everything I would need to make it out of the state. I just needed to get over the border into California. Then I'd be safe, free, and could live out my life in peace (although not having anywhere to stay). I glanced at the paper again. This was my ticket outta here!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2016 ⏰

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