Chapter 1

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Heya guys Liv here! Hope you enjoy my new Supernatural fanfic!! Leave me a comment and let me know if you think I should continue....If you like The Calm Before the Storm you should check out some of my other stories. Feel free to message me...I don't bite ^_^

Monday 5:45 A.M.

Dean Winchester groaned, and rolled over to the other side of the bed slapping the snooze button on his alarm clock. Fourteen minutes later he cracked an eye open looking at the bright, red numbers that blinked back at him. He flipped the switch before it had a chance to go off again. Dean threw his legs over the side of the bed and stood up, stretching out all of his sore muscles. He pulled on a pair of dark, grey sweat pants, and a t-shirt that smelled cleanish, and made his way to the kitchen to start a pot of coffee. Dean walked into the dark room, and made his way to the coffee maker. In one swift motion he put in a filter, and grabbed the nearly empty coffee can next to his hand.

"I found us a case." A voice came from next to the table. Dean swung around defensively, his heart suddenly in his throat.

"Jesus Christ, Sammy!" Dean shouted at his little brother, whom he now saw in one of the wooden chairs around the table. Sam was hunched over his laptop, which produced just enough light for Dean to see the proud smirk that was painted across Sam's face.

"It's six in the morning! Why are you even awake? Better yet, why are you searching for cases? We deserve a minute to relax. Besides," Dean said rubbing his sore shoulder, "that werewolf we just got fucked my shoulder up pretty bad."

Sam stood up, and flipped on the light before snapping his laptop closed. "When did you become such a girl?" Sam retorted back.

Dean didn't reply. He picked up the coffee pot and stared at it for a minute before replacing it, and walking to the fridge. Sam slumped back in his chair as Dean grabbed a beer and popped the top off, flipping it into the trash can and flopping down in the chair across from Sam. He took a swig from his beer, and sat it on the table in front of him. He sighed. He really didn't want to give his brother another lecture on resting. It had only been a couple weeks since the trials to close Hell for good ended and he tricked Sam into letting the Angel, Ezekiel, into his body. Something still felt off----actually it wasn't off exactly----Dean could admit something felt seriously wrong.

"Sam, you still need to rest. You're not back to..."

"Dean!" Sam cut him off, voice growing louder as he spoke,"I feel great!" Sam stood up again opening his arms indicating there was nothing wrong with him. "There are people who need help! We have nothing on Metatron. We have nothing on Abbadon. Hell even Cass is M.I.A. Us sitting around on our asses isn't doing anything for anyone."

Dean sighed. As much as he was worried about his little brother, Sammy had a point. "I just want to make sure that you're okay, Sam. I don't want anything to happen to you." Dean stated simply.

Sam rolled his eyes. "Dean if I couldn't handle it I wouldn't have brought it up."

"Just give me the details." Dean replied. Sam sat back down, a new smile lighting up his face. He turns his laptop on, and turned it so that Dean could see an article from a newspaper in a small Alabama town. It read:

Michael Casey, a 47 year old man, was taken into custody after neighbors called 911 reporting multiple screams coming from next door late Saturday night. When police arrived on the scene they found Mr. Casey covered in blood holding the kitchen knife he used to stab his wife and two children to death. He is currently being held at the Magnolia Springs Police Station. He is to be seen in court Monday morning.

"Okay?" Dean looked up from the computer and said "So what part of this indicates a case at all? I hate to say it, Sam, but sometimes a whack a doodle loses his last marble and ganks his family...that doesn't mean there's something supernatural going on.

Sam stayed silent, reached across the table and took his computer quickly typing something before handing it back. A more recent article flashed back at Dean. He read this one aloud, "Melissa, Bradlee, and Emily Casey all pronounced dead Saturday night were found alive early Sunday morning zipped in body bags in the freezers of Magnolia Springs morgue. Blah, blah, blah...The perpetrator, Michael Casey, is still being held in the Magnolia Springs jail for questioning blah, blah, blah.... Okay. I take it back. This may be our type of thing."

Sam jumped up slapping his laptop closed. He rushed from the room yelling, "Meet me in the car in ten!"

Dean walked to his room, and quickly threw everything he might need into a duffle bag. Fifteen minutes later he smiled ear to ear as he looked at his flawless baby. He tossed his duffle next to the cooler in the back seat and flopped behind the wheel. Sam, already in the passenger seat looked over at Dean with an annoyed look on his face.

"I said ten minutes, Dean." Sam groaned.

Dean replied, "Ah, shut it Sam. It's good to see you, baby." He put the key into the ignition causing the Impala to purr to life. Dean flipped on the radio, and some Foreigner song poured from the speakers.

Sam smiled at the love his brother had toward the car. He laid his head against the cool window, and let a single word slip from his lips as sleep filled his eyes. "Jerk."

Dean looked over at his little brother and back at the road. He replied, "Bitch." as a tear fell down his cheek. Dean couldn't keep the thought of losing Sam out of his mind. He already knew it would be a long car ride, and he already felt physically and emotionally drained. He hoped this case would be simple, but it was going to have a bigger impact in his life than he ever thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2016 ⏰

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