Chapter 01: You're Not Alone

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Chapter 1

            "Coming Out Of the Closet." To a lot of closeted teens, this is the one thing they dread the most. Taking that few steps out of the closet, admitting their sexuality, and showing the world who they really are.

            Being proud of how God made you, and accepting the fact that you're gay; and yet, some of them don't want to come out because they are scared of what their families might think: or how their friends might react, or maybe they are scared of being beaten or possibly murdered.

            Yes, it's a scary thing. But if you want to know the joy of being true to yourself and feel the weight of the world just fall off your shoulders; you have to come out a little. You don't need to jump right out and say "I'm here, I'm queer, get used to it!" Let's just start with baby steps.

            There is a lot to do with this new-found courage if you decide to be true about whom you are, but you also have to do it with dignity and pride.

            Now, I'm not an expert on coming out, far from it. If anything, I took the easy way out. But not all experiences will be the same. Some of you will have it easy and they'll say "Oh sweetie, we already knew that." Some might have it rough and get disowned or thrown out of the house.

            But if you can't love yourself for who you are, then you won't know the joy of true love.

            It's not going to be easy taking those few steps, but you will have support, and you will have others before you that took that same road and it turned out great for them.

            We have a lot of role models out there who are out, and they seem to be doing just fine. We've got celebrities like: Ellen DeGeneres, Neil Patrick Harris & David Burtka, Nathan Lane, Lance Bass, Jane Lynch, Graham Norton, Wanda Sykes, Darren Brown, Leslie Jordan, Tom Lenk, Alec Mapa, John Barrowmen and David Yost.

            We've got celebrities who support us and proudly say it out loud: Patrick Dempsey, Aaron Carter, Miley Cyrus, Britney Spears, Robert DeNiro, Hilary Duff, Daniel Radcliffe, Will Smith and his family. Josh Hutchserson, David Hasselhoff, Drew Carey, Joss Whedon, Weird Al and Tom Bergeron.

            We have supporters from around the world, and we should be proud of that. Thank you supporters! We appreciate everything you do for us.

            New York has finally declared Gay-Marriage to be legalized. What a victory! Not long now till the world changes and the discrimination against homosexuals was a thing in the past. We can't give up now.

            Four states agree with the unity of marriage between two people in love, and not just by gender. Now let's slap some sense in the other forty-six states.

            People who use the Bible to say "Homosexuality is a sin, and it's a one way ticket to Hell." But it also said it's a sin to eat shrimp. Hey! If they can change that, why do they want to keep the one that hates gay people?

            I don't believe the Almighty loving and caring God would create a person who is gay just so he/she can be ridiculed for the rest of his/her life. God isn't that cruel.

            I believe in God, but it's his worshippers that are getting mixed messages.

            Wasn't Jesus the one that hung out with the sinners and said "The sun rises and sets on the just and unjust." God treats us all equally, and that's why he sent his son back down to re-teach those who will listen.

            Protesters are lining outside of Gay Festival with signs 'God Hates Fags'. That doesn't seem quite Christian if I say so myself.

            It's a sad time we live in now. Teens these days are committing suicide from being bullied, or taking their lives because they can't live with the fact that they are gay. There is help out there, and it's so easy to find. You just need to ask for help. Someone will come to help you, or listen to what you have to say. There's no need to settle for suicide. Your life can be great, there are people that care, and I am one of them.

            This is my story. Of how a small town Christian boy came to terms with his own sexuality. I hope this helps you with your journey as well.

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