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I shiver, even if I'm wrapped underneath two full blankets and Lauren's arms.

"You okay Als?" she whispers.

"Fine." my teeth chatter audibly. I look up to meet her grey eyes clouded with concern.

"You sure, love?" she presses the back of her hand lightly against my forehead. "You're burning up, yet you're freezing your ass off? Is that even possible?" a sneeze urges me to turn away and sneeze into my elbow. "Oh hell, please don't tell me you're sick. I'm going to go get a thermometer, I'll be back. Want anything else?" she asks, starting to get out of bed.

I shrug lightly. "A bottle of water."

"Okay, I'll be right back, stay under those blankets." she kisses the top of my head and leaves me to the empty silence that fills her room.

Two minutes later, she's back with a bottle of water in one hand and a thermometer in the other.

"You're going to need to sit up if you want water." she sighs, sitting on the edge of the bed, one leg propped up in the middle of us. I nod, shifting to lean against the headboard, the covers still tight around my freezing body.

"Say 'aah'." she smiles. I giggle.

"Aah." my mouth gapes wide for her to stick the thermometer under my tongue. She tells me to close my mouth over the thermometer, so I do as told. After a short amount of time, fifteen seconds is my guess, she takes the thermometer out of my mouth. Her hazy, grey eyes widen. "What, what's the temperature?" I ask, getting worried.

"102.8, Als you've got a fever." she frowns sympathetically at me. I groan and slide back into a horizontal position, my limbs spread under the covers.

"I hate being sick." I cough into my elbow.

"I hate seeing you sick." she sighs, handing me the water bottle and rests her chin on her propped up knee.

I gulp down a fourth of the bottle in one sitting and hand it back to her. She places it gently on the nightstand.

"Luckily, we don't have anything today, we can just lounge around. I can tell the girls we'll be up in my room all day because you're sick, only if you want me to." she suggests.

"Sure, but can I have soup?" I ask shyly. She smiles.

"Of course, give me seven minutes." she races out of the room, almost taking a blanket with her.

And that's what I did, I gave her exactly seven minutes and she was back up here in six minutes and thirty-two seconds.

"That was quick." I stop my clock on my phone.

"I can do better." she shrugs, setting the bed table in my lap as I lean against a few pillows on the head board.

"This is satisfying enough." I groan as the good-tasting flavors of the soup burst in my mouth.

She giggles. "That's good."

I finish the soup in record time. "Thanks for that, Laur."

"Yup, no problem. I'm having a hard time choosing between The Breakfast Club and Grease, which one?" she held up the two disk cases.

"Well, we don't need to choose between them, but we can choose which one goes first." I smile.

She chuckles. "Then which one goes first, Allycat?"

"Um, Grease, duh."

"Go greased lightning." she smiles, popping the disk into the DVD player. I giggle.

She presses play and hops into bed next to me. I immediately cuddle up against her to find the warmth I need. She wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me close. I sigh and sing along softly to the intro song.


We were towards the end of The Breakfast Club, only six minutes left, when Ally started to cough, really bad. I made her drink water but that only seemed to make it worse. I don't know what to do.

"Lauren! Can't. Breathe." she gasps for air. [author fun fact; this happened to me today]

"Okay, um water didn't work. Allycat, deep breaths. Deep breaths." she took deep breaths, but they were shaky deep breaths. Finally, she seemed to have calmed down. Luckily, I managed to pause the movie, I mean c'mon the ending of The Breakfast Club is the best part.

"Gosh Laur, I don't know what that was." she says, out of breath. I let her slump against me.

"I know, that was scary. Especially when the water made it worse," I shook my head. "Don't scare me like that, I don't want to lose you. I can't lose you. Not now, not ever."

"I'm sorry." she says quietly, her big doe brown eyes wide with innocence and sincerity.

"It's okay, Als, don't worry 'bout it. Nothing we can do now." I shrug; she nods.

"Now press play! This is the best part!" she exclaims, gesturing towards the movie.

"Aye aye captain." I press play. We get into the original position, the one before Ally started choking.

I don't know when she fell asleep, but I fell asleep in the middle of The Little Mermaid.


alright hi guys this is my redo/rebuild of USS Alren. I told y'all it'll be same plots and ideas, just better writing.

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