Imagines Ross Lynch!

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                          Imagine, you and Ross just went on your guys's 54th date. It will be your guys's last date but you dont know it yet, except for Ross does. You guys's just finished going on your 54th date which Ross took the both of you ice scating. When Ross was walking you home, he took you to a community roof where no one else was and it was like a romantic date was already set up and ready for the too of you! It started to rain a bit when you said "Lets go down and inside to the coffee shop." When Ross said "Wait, will you marry me?" You froze for a second because you were so shocked, you both were 20 years old and had the same job. Out of no where you said "What?" Then Ross said, "I would like to know if you will mary me." Again out of nowhere but exitedly you shouted and scream out loud "YES!" The both of you were so happy because you love each other will allyour heart! Also, you are finally engadged with the guy of your dreams!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Thank you guys so much for reading this and I will have chapter two up either by the end of today or tomorrow!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2013 ⏰

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