Chapter 1 PaperJam's Daycare

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🐳Authors Note🐳
(Video is called 'Nightcore Shelter')

(Y/N) - Your Name

(F/N) - First Name

(L/N) - Last Name

(H/L) - Hair Length

(H/C) - Hair Color

(F/F) - Favorite Food

(E/C) - Eye Color

(F/C) - Favorite Color

I woke up and went to the bathroom brushing my (H/L) hair and then went downstairs making some (F/F) I then put on my (F/C) Jacket on and went outside. When i got outside i started walking with the wind blowing through my (H/L) hair.

I stopped when i saw a note on a door i was passing.
"Paperjam's Daycare, needs new caretakers" I read out loud.
"I've always wanted to become a caretaker" I said. I opened the door and entered seeing a ton A TON of kids and i tried to keep back squealing for how adorable they are.

"Excuse me human, who are you?" A skeleton kid asked standing next to me. He wears an ombré blue scarf that gets darker down to the end and has black quavers as a pattern and it's incredibly long.

He also wears dark purple shorts with a light purple treble clef on both sides of the shorts on the bottom, he also has dark blue, dark purple and white sports shoes.

He also wears a black jacket that has white fur at the end of the sleeves and it's open, underneath the black jacket he wears an ombré purple shirt that gets darker down to the end.

"Oh, my name is (F/N) do you know where i can find a caretaker around here?" I asked.
"Hm? Oh, i'll be right back!" He said running off to get an adult i presume. He returned after a while with a skeleton.

"Hello, i'm going to guess you're here for the job?" The skeleton said.
"Yes" I said.
"Awesome, alright, well my name is Paperjam or Pj for short, what's your name?" Pj asked.

"My name is (F/N) (L/N)" I replied.
"Cool, just follow me and i'll introduce you to everyone" Pj said.
"Alright" I replied with a smile.

"That kid is UnderMusic Sans by the way" Pj said.
"Oh, he's cute" I said.
"Heh, well those two are Error and Ink" Pj said.

🐳Time Skip🐳
I was sitting with UnderMusic Sans and he was painting Justin Bieber in the way he sees Justin which is as a big douch bag.
"What do you think of Justin Bieber?" Music Sans asked.

"Eh, he's done a lot of things wrong, but, he was taken into fame very early in his life, maybe he just couldn't handle it the way people should" I replied.

"That's true actually. I like the way that you think" Music Sans said with a smile.
"Thanks" I replied with a kind smile.
"Hey (F/N)!" I heard Pj yell.

"Huh? Oh, yeah?" I asked.
"Can you help me find Fresh, he's.....grumpy again" Pj said with an annoyed expression and i giggled a little knowing what he meant.
"Of course i'll find that little cinnamon roll" I said kissing Pj on the cheek (You're still only friends but you like to make him blush)

leaving him a blushing mess and i giggled again continuing to walk around looking for Fresh. Soon enough i found Fresh hiding while crying.

"Hey, Fresh, you alright?" I asked getting closer sitting down next to him. He didn't respond and continued crying while i comforted him. Soon Pj found us and blushed a little when seeing me and i smiled knowing why.

"Wuddup?" I asked making a piece sign making Pj blush even more and i giggled.

"M-mr. P-pj?" Fresh asked wiping away his tears.
"Fresh, i'm too old for you, i've talked to you about that" Pj said after shaking away his blush.

"B-but" Fresh said.
"No if's and's or but's, you don't want people to think Pj is a pedophile, do you?" I asked with a smile.

"No" He replied.
"You can still be friends Fresh, you'll probably find someone better in the future" I said with a smile hugging him and Pj came over hugging Fresh too.

🐳Time Skip🐳
I was sitting down with Ink watching him draw.
"You're really good at this y'know" I said with a smile and saw a blush forming on his cute little cheeks.

"T-thanks" He replied.
"Heh, no problem" I replied with a gentle smile.
"HOW DARE YOU!?!" I suddenly heard Fresh scream.

"Wut?" I asked turning to him.
"HOW DARE YOU KISS MR. PJ!?!" He screamed.
"Wut?....OOOH!! No i didn't do that for THAT reason, i just like seeing him blush" I said with a smile.

"HE'S MINE!!" Fresh screamed.
"Pfft, yeah, yeah, i know" I said holding back laughter.
"Fresh stop it" Pj said face palming.
"What's going on bro?" Bluescreen asked.

"Guess" Pj said with a bored expression.
"Oh..." Bluescreen said and i couldn't help but giggle. Fresh left to go talk to Aedre while giving me a death glare.
"Oh that little cinnamon roll" I said quietly with a smile.

🐳Authors Note🐳
(Hope ya'll liked this chap and bah-bye❤️)

Pj's Daycare (CT!Pj x CT!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now