Chapter 24

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Ji Sae's P.O.V

I got up by the sun rays blocking my eyes. I look around and Jungkook is nowhere to be found. I got panic. I got up, walking to his bathroom, he's not in here.

Where did he go? He's sick. He's suppose to be sleeping. "Jungkook?" - i called. I went out of his room and went downstairs.

"Jungkook? Where are you?" - i called. No one answer. I walk to the kitchen and saw him eating breakfast on his own. I let out a relieve sigh.

"Jeon Jungkook. You're suppose to be sleeping. You're sick. And you're suppose to eat porridge not all these oily stuff." - i nagged. He continue chewing on his bacon.

"Jeon Jungkook!" - i whined.

"Yes baby?" - he answered.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" - i said and take my seat in front of him.

"You're sleeping. I can't wake you up just like that." - he said with a smile.

"You're feeling better?" - i asked. He nodded. He's been sick for 3 days straight, finally, he's all recovered. I left him alone, making my way to my room to take my shower.

After i'm done, i receive a call from Hed. "What?" - i answered.

"Ma'am, one of our shops got robbed." - he said.

"What?! Where?" - i exclaimed.

"Gangnam, a clothing shop." - he said. What the heck?

"Almost everything is destroyed. The owner claimed that all her money is taken away. Their dresses, shirts, shoes, etc. are all taken away." - Hed said.

"Where are you?" - i asked.

"At the shop with the other 3." - he said.

"Have you made a police report?" - i asked.

"Kwang Dae is on it right now." - he said.

"By the way, the owner wants you to come down and meet her." - Hed continued. I whined.

"My husband just recovered today. I still need to take care of him. Why can't you just do it?" - i asked with a frown.

"I told her already, Ma'am. But she refuses. She wants you to come down." - Hed said. I let out an annoyed groan.

"Aish! Ah fine! I'll be there." - i said and ended the call. I change to jeans and a white tshirt. I put on my black converse and went downstairs.

"Baby? Where are you going?" - Jungkook asked. He's sitting at the living room, watching tv. I walk up to him and smile. I take a seat next to him.

I cup his face with both of my hands. "I gotta go to work. Just for awhile. Stay at home okay. I promise to be home early. Don't go anywhere." - i said softly. I quickly give a peck on his cheeks and left. I got in my car and head to Gangnam.

Jungkook's P.O.V

She left a peck on my cheeks and left. When i saw her car left, I screamed the hell out of me. I'm fanboying over the fact that my wife kissed my cheeks. I smiled.

Urgh! She's making me fall in love with her more! I don't doubt that though. She's slowly showing her love to me. And i love this soft and caring side of her.

Her voice changes when she talks to me now. It used to sound so cold. But now, her voice softens. She talks nicely to me. No more glaring and hitting me anymore.

I lay down on the couch and smiled to myself. My phone rang. It was my eomma. "Yes eomma!" - i answered.

"Jungkook-ah! How are you?" - eomma asked cheerfully.

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