Lazy Mornings...

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I wake up to an annoying buzzing sound of some stupid alarm clock, I hear it get turned off as I feel a warmth behind me go away.

I wake up Yawning as I turn over in my sleep, there's a little note on the bedside table with a note on it.


hey babe, I had a meeting with S.H.E.I.L.D and the other avengers, might be home late. sorry.

-Tin Man

I laughed at his nickname that some of his friends call him but when I stop I sigh. I slowly get up unto my feet as I groan in pain... Blast that Tony Stark I say under my breath (no pun intended) remembering what happened the night before. I wasn't upset I loved having sex with tony, but I wish he went a little easier then fucking me senseless, but then again... I asked for it.

Tony's POV
I just got out of the meeting and I was heading to get M/N a present, I mean it  is our anniversary. But... what should I get him? I stop in my tracks and return back to the meeting room. "C'mon ladies" Thor said while everyone was trying to pick up his hammer. "Guys, what should I get M/N for our anniversary?" I said while getting out my phone ready to take notes.

-15 minutes later-
I walked out of the meeting room, down the stairs and out the front door in a rush. I had my phone full of gift ideas and I was ready to buy almost all of them. Most of the guys suggested I get him sex toys for while I'm away, but I rather see him suffer from being away from my touch, then feel pleasure to a plastic toy. I go to the nearest shop and I enter, as I do I was glad that not many people were in the store, I quickly got to work.

As I finished shopping which seemed like forever I only seemed to be settled on one gift. I walked into my car and headed back home.

-Time Skip-
As I arrived at home I got into the house to hear voices, I walked into the living room to finds M/N's laptop/tablet as I could hear him talking to happy...

(Happy- normal, M/N- bold)

"Look M/N could you just put Tony on the phone?"

"Sorry, happy he's not here i think he's still busy at the moment at his meeting."

"Look tell him when he gets home that his assistant, Pepper want to talk about business."

"My pleasure, see you later, happy."

*phone click*

I could feel two strong arms around me as I heard The figure whisper I my hear "happy anniversary babe" Tony said in his sexy voice which I could not resist I blushed as I heard this and turned around still In his arms to peck his lips. "C'mon, you call that a kiss?" Tony said before kissing me softly. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance and I playfully denied, he whined still kissing me while moving his hands down to my butt, right were it hurt. I gasped giving him enough to time to slip his tongue in my mouth, after a few seconds he pulled away only for air while a string of saliva connected our lips. I looked away blushing as he still hand his hand in my ass. I heard him chuckle as he removed his hands before getting beside me and picking me up bridal style. "Wow, you need to eat more, your very light" I smiled while he took me to his unknown destination.

As we arrived I slightly realized I was in my--- our bedroom. "Get dressed up nice we're going out" and with that he closed the door behind me and I could hear his footsteps descending downstairs. I walked over to my closet as I pulled out my best suit and tie, along with some dress pants. I then slid off my skinny jeans and my shirt while I started to get dressed.

-another time skip-
I walked downstairs to see Tony standing next to the door waiting for me. "Wow... you dress up nice" I smiled at his compliment as he opened the door as a gentlemen would do for a pretty lady. He also opened the passengers car door for my and closed it walking over to the drivers side. "Where we going, if you don't mind me asking?" I said out of curiosity. "Well. First we're going to the avenger's headquarters for a party, then will come back and maybe we can home back home and have some fun~" I could hear the smirk in his sentence along with see it clearly on his face.

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