Demi, Believed In Me.

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Name: Demetria Rose 

Age: 11

Birthday: Christmas Eve

Case: More on the special side

Hair Color: Black/Highlighted/Dip Dyed.

Occupation: Child Actress

Parents: None. Dead Actually.

Adopted: 5 times. Hopefully the next one will actually keep her.

Likes: Pupppies, Singing, Disney Channel oh and Demi Lovato. 

Dislikes: People,Bullying, Haters oh and Justin Bieber.

Special Problems: We Dont Know. Gonna say, thats for you to figure out, she's kinda a demon in a way, we dont know, she comes back for differnt reasons each time.

Favorite Song: Defiantly either Warrior or Gravity.

Up for Adoption: NOW.

Oh HI. That's Me. Im Demetria, Nobody wants a gir like me, Im just your adverage 11 year old. You may have seen me on Desperate Housewives, I was that girl, that innocent girl. Here I am, One of those People, an Orphane, A Disgrace you could call it. Were having something called the Starlight Orphanage Christmas Party. Alot of awesome celebrites are coming and i hope i get adopted,but aparently that would be "pushing" my luck.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2013 ⏰

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