Prologue- Meera

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"Meera, when are you guys leaving?"Vera asked.
I was standing against the kitchen counter while she did last night's dishes.
"Tomorrow hun, are you sure you don't want to join us?"
"Yes, you know I have work, the babysitter backed out last minute and nobody will take on 5 kids last minute."
"Ugh...I know, but we feel so guilty."
"Don't, you guys deserve this road trip.
Go have fun and remind fathima that she needs to pick up her dry cleaning."
This was Veronica, aka Vera always babying us even though fathima and I were in our late 20's and have 3 and 2 kids respectively. I don't know what we would do without her.
I say okay and move to make myself breakfast when I feel a hand on my butt.
Say hello to my husband Ryan. I met him at 22 got married 6 months later and started adopting kids by 24.
He is as annoying as it gets and I wouldn't exchange him for the world.
I turn around and kiss him when I hear gagging sounds in the back. I look around and see fathima and rahul come out of their room. Fathima, what can I say about her, she's a 12 year old trapped in a 28 years old body. Which is probably why she's gagging and telling us to get a room. Her husband on the other hand is as serious as they get. He's a professor for godsake! How they ended up together will always be a mystery.
We all have breakfast and hangout for sometime at Vera's place.
The baby sitter and the kids are in fathima's house so we start cleaning up and say our goodbyes to vera.
We decide to drop the kids off around 8 that night and leave early morning the next day.
We all get into the car and wave at vera like little kids. She just rolls her eyes and walks back in.
We live in Atlanta and it had been so long since we went on a road trip or any trip for that matter.
Marriage, kids, work always something stoping us.
So when Ryan surprised me with tickets to go vine tasting at Sharp Mountain Vineyards we decided to make it a road trip but vera was busy so we made it a couples retreat.
I am so excited but at the same time I'm so worried. This is the first time I will be away from vivaan for so long. He's only a year old.
But before I can get worked up about it, I hear Fatima arguing with Rahul in the backseat on whether he left the toilet seat up again. Listening to this makes me realize how 'married' we are. I try to hide my laugh, which turns into a snort.
Ryan smile's and reaches across to take my hand and he kisses it. I feel so happy and content. Sometimes, these random moments, where you're doing absolutely nothing become so significant, happy and beautiful, you know you're going to remember them for a long, long time.
I'm humming along to 'All of the stars' by Ed Sheeran wondering how I got this lucky when suddenly I'm flying through the air. Everything is a blur of colours and there is a sudden pain in my side. I feel very disoriented. I look up and Ryan isn't moving. I'm so confused. I realize there is screaming and it's coming from me, there is so much blood everywhere. Somewhere in the back of my head, I know I need to calm down but that voice of reason is long gone and I scream for Ryan until I pass out.

Hi guys! I hope you liked the prologue. I will hopefully be uploading a new chapter every week. (There might be delays because of college work or if I'm just not happy with what I've written). Please don't forget to vote and comment. I would love to hear your thoughts. Thank you for reaching.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2017 ⏰

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