Chapter 27

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Authors note: please reread as i made a huge screw up and mixed both stories up. Now been altered.

By the end of the week, Connie had successfully managed to find a tutor that would work 9-3 with Grace during term time and she was due to start the following Monday; after a lengthy decision, and much research, Grace had also decided she wouldnt mind learning Dance so Connie had signed her up for that too which was due to start the first week in October. As a treat, and with a promise from her daughter she would work hard, she had agreed to take her shopping; Zoe would also be picking them up on her way to the shopping centre but Grace was aware of that information yet. Connie had felt she might start to tire and having Zoe there would help relieve the pressure of keeping an eye on Grace the whole time.

That morning, they had had breakfat and gotten ready before Grace had finally realised that Connie hadn't called a taxi but had said she wouldn't be driving.

" havent called a taxi" Grace said as they pulled their coats on.

"We dont need to"

"Why? How are we getting there?" She asked, taking no notice of the beeping outside.

"We already have one; look outside"

As Grace looked out the window, she turned round to face Connie with a huge smile on her face; Connie smiled and nodded as she held her hand out. Only an hour and half into their shopping trip did Connie need to sit down for a while so they headed to a coffee shop and ordered a drink each; whilst Grace sat and read a book Connie had brought her, the two adults talked.

"Thank you...for coming today" Connie said.

"No problem; gets me a way from the job for a day"

"And it's working out? The job isnt putting too much pressure on you?" She asked, concerned.

"I'm managing; you need to get better properly before you can come back."

"I can manage doing paperwork you know? I'll be sitting down all day and..."

"Not happening until your cough has completely gone"

"Come on Zoe..." she protested.

"Mom, can i go and look next door?" Grace asked, interrupting their argument.

"Course you can; you got your phone?"


"Okay, here's some money and we'll come and find you in there when we've finished if you're not back before" she explained as she handed Grace a ten pound note.

"Thanks mom"

As Grace disappeared, Connie turned back to Zoe.

"Okay, what's going on? I know there's something you're holding back" Zoe asked.

"Grace is been home-schooled as from Monday; things were bad for her before the summer but after you left the other day, she completely broke down. She's not happy at all; it's a last resort so i now have to work out what i'm going to do about work"

"Are you coming back?"

"I want to...i really do but i dont know how it would work; I'm scared that if i do find a way to make it work, we'll end up back at square one and arguing again."

"Do you think some of her anger and hurt and upset and behavioural issues were down to what was happening at school?"

"It's possible, i guess; thinking about it, she was happier during half term and stuff but on evenings and weekends, she was a nightmare. She was always quiet when i dropped her off but i was too absorbed in my own world and the job to really notice it; despite all the talking we've done, i didnt feel like she'd told me everything" she said, coughing a little as she took a sip of her drink.

"You should stop talking for a while; Grace will open up when she's ready too. In the meantime, dont push her if she doesnt want to; just focus on getting better"

Connie nodded as she finished her drink off so they could go and find Grace; that evening, Zoe had dropped them home with all their bags, after stopping for dinner on the way home, before heading off to pick Max up from work. Been out all day had left Connie exhausted so she instantly sat on the sofa as Grace pulled her stuff out of her the bags to take up to her room; Connie took her daughter's hand and gestured for her to sit next to her and snuggle.

"I love you darling"

"I love you too mom; thank you for taking me shopping, even though i know you're still feeling ill."

"Anytime; just remember you end of the deal"

"I promise"

"Good, i'm gonna go and get changed and take my stuff up"

"Okay mom"

When Connie hadnt returned half an hour later, Grace had grabbed her stuff and turned the lights off; going upstairs, she put her bags in her room and got changed into her pjyamas before checking on Connie. She found her mom, lying on the bed, having got changed, fast asleep; carefully, she pulled the duvet over her and kissed her forehead as she laid next to her.

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