Fundamentals Of Nursing Keys

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Fundamentals Of Nursing : Infection, Asepsis, Basic concept of stress and Illness Correct Answers and Rationales

Fundamentals Of Nursing : Infection, Asepsis, Basic concept of stress and Illness

By : Budek

Fundamentals Of Nursing : Infection, Asepsis, Basic concept of stress and Illness Correct Answers and Rationales

Fundamentals Of Nursing : Infection, Asepsis, Basic concept of stress and Illness

By : Budek

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1. Illness

2. Infection and Asepsis

3. Basic concept of Stress and Adaptation

1. When the General adaptation syndrome is activated, FLIGHT OR FIGHT response sets in. Sympathetic nervous system releases norepinephrine while the adrenal medulla secretes epinephrine. Which of the following is true with regards to that statement?

A. Pupils will constrict

B. Client will be lethargic

C. Lungs will bronchodilate

D. Gastric motility will increase

* To better understand the concept : The autonomic nervous system is composed of SYMPATHETIC and PARASYMPATHETIC Nervous system. It is called AUTONOMIC Because it is Involuntary and stimuli based. You cannot tell your heart to kindly beat for 60 per minute, Nor, Tell your blood vessels, Please constrict, because you need to wear skirt today and your varicosities are bulging. Sympathetic Nervous system is the FIGHT or FLIGHT mechanism. When people FIGHT or RUN, we tend to stimulate the ANS and dominate over SNS. Just Imagine a person FIGHTING and RUNNING to get the idea on the signs of SNS Domination. Imagine a resting and digesting person to get a picture of PNS Domination. A person RUNNING or FIGHTING Needs to bronchodilate, because the oxygen need is increased due to higher demand of the body. Pupils will DILATE to be able to see the enemy clearly. Client will be fully alert to dodge attacks and leap through obstacles during running. The client's gastric motility will DECREASE Because you cannot afford to urinate or defecate during fighting nor running.

2. Which of the following response is not expected to a person whose GAS is activated and the FIGHT OR FLIGHT response sets in?

A. The client will not urinate due to relaxation of the detrusor muscle

B. The client will be restless and alert

C. Clients BP will increase, there will be vasodilation

D. There will be increase glycogenolysis, Pancrease will decrease insulin secretion

* If vasodilation will occur, The BP will not increase but decrease. It is true that Blood pressure increases during SNS Stimulation due to the fact that we need more BLOOD to circulate during the FIGHT or FLIGHT Response because the oxygen demand has increased, but this is facilitated by vasoconstriction and not vasodilation. A,B and D are all correct. The liver will increase glycogenolysis or glycogen store utilization due to a heightened demand for energy. Pancrease will decrease insulin secretion because almost every aspect of digestion that is controlled by Parasympathetic nervous system is inhibited when the SNS dominates.

3. State in which a person's physical, emotional, intellectual and social development or spiritual functioning is diminished or impaired compared with a previous experience.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2010 ⏰

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