Chapter One.

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Amy's P.O.V.

 The Eleventh Doctor spun around around a few times in front of me before flipping the vortex manipulator. "HERE WE GO, POND!", he yelled. I grabbed onto the control panel as the TARDIS took off.

"Why is it always so bumpy?!", I asked him.

"Because it is! It makes it more fun!" The Doctor yelled. The noise of the TARDIS nearly covered up his words. 

"Maybe if you didn't leave the brakes on, it wouldn't make that noise." I suggested.

"But it's such a cool noise!" The Doctor yelled to be heard over the crashing and banging noises of the TARDIS.  "Besides, who wants a boring, safe and sound ride?!"

"Every normal person in the universe?!" I yelled at him. "Are you sure you don't have a death wish?!"

"Okay, Pond!" He yelled. "I'm going to impress you! Just watch where we land this time! Where would you like to go?"

"I personally would like to go to Italy, but last time we went there we met vampires. Moving on... let's try something exotic like...Jamaica. I've heard it's lovely this time of year." I replied, challengingly.

"Okay, Jamaica it is!" He yelled. "Geronimo!" I watched as the Doctor pressed a few buttons, spun a few wheels, pulled a couple of levers, then surprisingly put on some Rock music just for show. He then grinned and began to dance. I rolled my eyes as there was a big bump. The Doctor stood up straight again and nearly ran to the doors. 

"Here we are!" He grinned and opened the doors. "Jama-" He stopped, mid-sentence. The place we had landed was most certainly not Jamaica. It appeared to be a vast expanse of desert, with a few cacti here and there.

I leisurely came out behind him, taking my time. "I told you it wouldn't work. Now you owe me ten pounds." I held out my hand expectantly with a smirk.

"Oh yes...What does that look like?" The Doctor began to rummage around in his pocket, pulling out a variety of items. Five forks, a book, a spool of thread, a ball of yarn, some jammy Dodgers, extra suspenders, bow ties, and finally a pair of new socks. Anything but ten pounds. I laughed, grasping my stomach as he frowned and checked his other pocket. He pulled out a black wallet, and opened it. Inside, there was an expanse of money from anywhere from any time.

"Ten pounds, please."  I held out my hand, wiggling my fingers with a smile.  The Doctor shook his head in disapproval.

"Such demanding..." He shook out ten pound coins and put them in my hand.

"Thank you," I replied with satisfaction. "Now, I would like to know where we are and what we're doing here." I said, looking around myself at the landscape.

"We are in... The Sonamy Desert on the planet of Shilx in the Silfrax Galaxy. Every name starts with an S!" The doctor grinned. "Oh, and I think we're going to town." He pointed at a sign that read, Sharltown, five standard measurements.

"Okaaaay, and would you like to explain to me their strange obsession with the letter 'S'?" I inquired, hopefully.

"Nope." He said absently, picking up and dropping grains of sand. I sighed. The Doctor could be so difficult at times. 

"Well, are we going to sit here like a bunch of lazy Americans, or are we going to do something?" I asked him, walking around and examining the terrain.

"Hmm..." The Doctor was making his hands into a frame around the town sign. "Uh...let's go." He started to walk in the direction of the sign. " And by the way, five standard time units is about 100 yards."

"Um...what?" I trotted after him, thoroughly confused. I tried to keep up with him. 

"The sign says five standard time measurements." He repeated. He paused and then ran back to the TARDIS. He disappeared inside for a few moments before reappearing once again. When he came out, he was wearing his Stetson. "How do I look?"

"Like a dork." I replied after studying his hat with distaste.

"Oh, thanks for that!" The Doctor pulled out another hat and fixed it onto my head. I groaned.

"I hate you." I said, glaring at him, and then ripping the hat off of my head. I was just about to throw the hat at him when I heard a voice. I froze.

"No you don't!" The Doctor caught the hat. "Though mind you, I think this hat's starting to make me hear voices."

"Well, that's an interesting hat you got there then." I replied. A moment later I  heard the voice again. "Did you hear that? I asked the Doctor.

"Yes. Well, sort of. If you're talking about the ominous voice that seems to be coming from behind that cactus, then yes. If you're talking about the sound of a boot walking towards us, then yes, I  hear that too." He said.

"Okay, so there are two people?" I asked, confused. "And what cactus?" I added, looking around.

"That one..." The Doctor pointed to a cactus that was obviously made of cardboard. Then he pointed to another thing. It was an alien that was light brown colored. Large cat-like ears stuck out of the sides of its head. It was wearing spurs and yes...a stenson. 

"See? Even aliens are cool. Including me. I'm a cool alien." He stated.

"Whatever stops the tears." I replied, patting his shoulder. "Does he really have cat ears?" I asked him incredulously. 

"Oh ears." He said. "Let's go!" He began to run in the direction of the town.

"Hey, wait up!" I yelled after him, jogging to keep up.

"Run along, Pond! Geronimo, Allons-y, and all of those nice ways of saying 'let's go'!" He laughed.

"Sometimes I really hate you."  I glared.

"No you don't!" The Doctor said, taking the last few steps into the town.


So, how is my first story? You gotta admit, it's not that bad. Hey, I tried!

Oh well, more to come soon~



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