Chapter 1

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Ash was awake, not fully, as he could hardly open his eyes. He was still too tired to notice anything.

Then, like a lightning bolt, the surge of desperate hunger had struck his stomach. He was hungry..
A few more grumbles came, Ash woke, and didn't even notice that he was in a new form, he however did notice that he wasn't in his room, he was in a forest.

He also realized he was a tall the trees, he looked around himself, he was "slouching", the wave of surprise extended his bones, but the hunger struck in once more.

Ash had to make a decision to think of everything else later, he had to eat. But first, he had to hunt.
Ash walked, since running would make his hunger worse, better safe than sorry.

He found himself next to a stream, he saw some black fish.
Ash didn't even bother questioning, he opened his new massive jaws, and took a bite, it took a few tries and maybe a hunger shock, but he got used to it.

He ate fish in peace

Later, Ash was satisfied, and he also thinks he ate every fish in this river, but what he did doesn't matter, now he has to process things, he looks down the river sees it, he's a Tyrantrum!

"Woah, is that me? Cool! I'm a Tyrantrum!" says Ash, he wasn't really bothered. He moved his jaws, "my jaws, roar! Look at me! I'm the king of the ancient lands!", Ash spun around, Ash span his tail, wagging it like a dog.

(Note: I know T-rexes are stiff tails, so Tyrantrum's should be too, but hey, it's Pokemon, and it's my story, and sides, if a little dinosaur turns into some shell thing then into a dragon, You and I shouldn't really be surprised)

Ash decided to take a walk around, but first, something had reached Ash's mind..
"Wait a minute, I can't talk!" says Ash, no one could understand what he could say, boy, this had bad written all over him.

"I guess I make do with what I have" says Ash, staying as positive as usual. He walks around, he notices a few, rather scary-to-children type of creatures, wolf looking Pokemon, black fur and bony plating.

But here's the weird part, those creatures had some spark into them, they felt, emotion, and they were feeling....misunderstood.
The creatures followed, they pass by a HUGE fallen tree, which acted like a bridge, Ash would question, but it didn't matter, he stepped on it, and it was able to support him (that's a really strong tree, seriously, 595.2 lbs and a few others? Damn!)
As they did, it started to feel, a little, musical...
the creatures felt the same (btw, the creatures following ash so far are 6 beowolves, 2 beringels, 3 boarbatusks, and an Ursa)
This world is paradise...
scenic and beautiful
the forest comes to life, just like a musical!
is it ironic? That I'm an omnic
That's he's an omnic!
I'm not at odds with nature, now that I'm part of it.

Ash looks towards his current companions, those companions "smile", smiles full of emotion

I used to be on my own, till I found you
Till you found me
Make yourself at home, look around you
Look around me
We'll build a life and do what friends do

Then, a javelin hits one of the beringels, the Grimm run away
Ash looks around, and sees a red haired girl in the distance, he comes out from his place, half hidden in the trees.
As Ash comes into Pyrrha's field of vision, he sees the dead Beringel...
Ash then feels a primal fury in him, an instinct of vengeance...

While I try and forget what I've been through

And it was at this moment, fire grew in Ash's mouth.

No one:
You've set me off, now rest in peace (*fires fire blast at Pyrrha*)
I'll f**k you up when you step to me (*Ash notices other surrounding people, and that Pyrrha dodged the fire blast*)
Your blood will run through every street (*Ash notices, and strike Lie Ren with a powerful dragon tail*)
You b*****s won't even get to scream! (*Ash bites the hammer's head off the hammer, and kicks Nora away*)
I'll drop robot obscenities (*Jaune slashes at Ash with a sword, but the sword breaks, it dealt really low damage*)
While I bathe in the flesh of my enemies (*Jaune runs away, only to get hit by a powerful dragon tail*)
It's time to wipe this planet clean (*Ash begin grow black, some with bony plating*)
Of the sh*t-stain called humanity! (*Ash sees Pyrrha about to throw Milo, but Ash uses dragon breath, thus paralyzing Pyrrha as well as knocking her back*)
Pump you full of lead from head to feet (*Ash has become a full Grimm Tyrantrum*)
Shred to pieces like a fat bag of meat (*Ash uses fire blast at the forest, wanting to make sure there aren't any more of them*)
I'll laugh happily at you as you bleed (*Ash uses dragon breath on other areas of the forest*)
Brutality is all bastion needs! (*Ash roars in victory*)
My turret's gonna f**k you up
So eat my bullets taste my rust
Tongue my bolts and suck my nuts
You're all a bunch of f****** f****! (*Ash's Grimm form has finally faded*)

Ash decides not to continue singing, and walks off into the forest...
The Grimm decided to follow him...
Well, that was a nice song fic, too bad it ended with the first rap.
Btw, I do not own the last bastion song, it is owned by JT Machinima.

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