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In the forest.

"Natsu Dragneel! You didn't need to drag me the whole way here." Venus shouts. "Well you could have said something." "I did, I was shouting the whole way. Many people were star-" Venus turns to see Natsu and happy ignoring her. "Hey at least listen time." "Yeah yeah yeah. Com'on, come shit, Victor." "It's Venus!" Venus goes and sits beside happy. "So....why did you ask me to go fishing with you?"
"Ummm because I wanted too." "But whyyyy." "I try to be close to every dragon slayer I meet, and you are one so I want to get to know you." "Your wired." Venus shakes her head. "Hey who you calling weird!" Natsu smiles. "My father was Igneel. He was the fire dragon." "My father Asudrago, was the earth dragon. So all the dragons left at 777 right?" "Yup. Do you want to know about the the other dragons slayers." "Sure!" "Natsu the fish!" They turn to see happy's rope caught by a fish. "Wow there buddy" Natsu grabs the pole and yanks. A fish the siza of an arm came breaking out. Happy Flys to grab the fish. "Fiiiisssshhhhh" Happy screams in excitement.

Natsu turns to Venus."So the first dragon slayer I ever ment was Gajeel and he was in phantom lord..."

Kagami's house ~

"Here you go." She hand Laxus a black mug. "Thanks" Kagami goes to grab her mug full of tea. "I would ask you to sit. But as you can see I have no furniture." "When is is coming?" "Tomorrow. Hey I wanted to ask. Do you know how to fix cracks on dry wall?" "Yeah." "Really cause I found this cracks up stairs. And I don't want to make it worse. If you have time can you fix it?" "Sure." "Thankyou! I'll show you where the crack are." Kagami goes into the dinning room to get the tools and drywall paste. She turns around to see Laxus had taken off his long furry jacket. 'Holy crap! Those muscles!'

Time skip.
"All done." Laxus finished the cracks in one of the rooms upstairs. "Really!  Thank you so much." Laxus stands up. Not knowing he'd be so close Kagami steps back. But she trips on the tools and falls.

Kagami POV.
Shit how stupid am I? I tense my back waiting for the impacted, but I didn't come. I felt something soft yet hard holding me up. I open my eyes to see a pair of stormy blue ones. I didn't notice how bright they were.

Laxus Pov.
I acted on impulse. But I'm glad I did. I see her scrunched up face, her body tensing, waiting for the impacted they'll never come. 'Cute- wait what am I thinking!?'

Third person~~
Still staring in Laxus's eyes, Kagami smiles. "Thank you, Laxus." She wisper , knowing he can hear her. Pulling her up straight, he let's her go. "It's fine." Kagami looking at the new wall.

"Where did you learn to do this? It's brilliant." Kagami looks back at Laxus.
"Myself. I built my house, so I do need to know." Kagami smiles. "So your a builder" "You could say that." Laxus smirks. "Thanks again. I guess I should start working again. *sighs* How tiresome." Kagami turns to Laxus. "I'll walk you out." Laxus looks like he's in deep thought, then he stares at her. Which cause her to blush a little. "I can help, with painting." Kagami looks surprised. "Really!? I'm mean are you sure I don't want to bother your." Laxus nods. "Great then let's start painting." "First let me go change into something more comfortable." "Okay." "I'll be back in 5 min." "What ar- Aaaaahhh" Kagami jumps and lands on her butt, clenching her chest. Laxus had bolted out. Like an actual lightning bolt.

Kagami got the paint to the room and was about to start painting. When Laxus sparks back in the room, wearing a big (medium on him) T-shirt and sweat pants. "AAAAA" Kagami screams, holding her chest. "Gotta stop doing that. I'm going to die of a heart attack one day." Laxus smiles. "Well let's get painting."

I don't own fairy tail.
The pic in the media was m drawing of Kagami's main floor. I think you'd understand it more now. The room with the arrow in front of it is t he room where Kagami put all those books.

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