The Village of the Kemonomimi

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The Village of the Kemonomimi is a fictional story which is based on romance of a true story. This is  a story of my own design and would appreciate that if no one steals this work or any of my characters. It's also my first one on here~ Thank you and please enjoy this story. 


I didn't want to leave. 

I didn't want to leave my friends or the neighborhood street venders. I didn't want to leave them at all.

But them.

They wanted to leave. 

They wanted to leave the most amazing place in the entire world to go to live at this out of state, far from any kind of civilization old dusty mansion that no one lives in.

They are my parents.

They always take the best oppertunity to get higher in the social crowd with less effort and money as possible and getting a free mansion was the best thing that came to them since caramel met popcorn. 

For me, I didn't care about being a regular commoner shoemaker's daughter. Though they believe that France, especially Paris, moves faster than anywhere else and that in the current of fashion and popularity, that we could just simply jump in with some kind of leverage and follow the way to the top parties and events, rubbing elbows with the dukes and duchesses, having their name known through all of Europe. 

I know it's not like that and it doesn't matter at the end of the day but hey, it's their life they want to control.

Sadly I have to go along with it. 


I woke up from my day dream to turn my head to my mother, her  brown almond eyes looked at me, judging as she flicked her attention to the passing scenery behind me and then back to my face. 

I hope she could see my disgust. 

"I know you may not be happy about this..." she started out, picking out lint from her black dress nonchaluntly.

Good. She did. 

"But this is for your future and your brother's. Going to a new home would be something that would start our new, sucessful life." She gave me a reasuring smile but I didn't believe anything of what she said. 

It looks like she didn't hear a thing. 

The car we were in hit a small bump and I took that time to go back to gazing out the window, counting the million upon millions of trees I will see as I stay here at the old mansion.  Overhearing my parents earlier as we were all packing, I got some of the history of the house.

Apparently my old aunt died in the house and my uncle went missing afterwards. So after a few weeks, the police presumed them dead and started to empty the old house, getting ready to sell it. Then they discovered a will and since then, no one was able to touch anything except my family. They left us with everything, even the 12 acre property around the house as well. 

I thought that was pretty cool but weird at the same time. Why would a random aunt and uncle that we don't even know give us this huge, expensive area with no real reason? Of course I would find it a bit sucpicious.

The car turned, going into a black iron gate and up a long drive way. 

"We're here~" My mother sang and Allen, my 5 year old baby brother started to yell out in excitement. Dad grinned in the mirror and I simply rolled my eyes. Great..I don't think we would ever leave.

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