The Werewolf of the Opera

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The Werewolf of the Opera 

A Phanfic

I-Fire and Water

Music filled the cool night air; the orchestra's beginning notes drifting out on the breeze. A girl stood in shadow, all of herself hidden, but for her brilliant turquoise eyes. She drew her cloak around her, hiding her eyes once more, recognition fatal. She wasn't given a glance as she walked swiftly through the streets; the only remarkable thing about her appearance was her eyes. Her skin was fair, her hair straight and brown, down to the middle of her shoulder blades. Her face was easy to forget, and most often, all who met her and lived remembered nothing but her eyes, large and penetrating. She was of average height for a girl her age, which she supposed was about eighteen now. She flicked her gaze towards alleys and shadows, darting in doorways when the veilluer approached. She tugged the hood down farther nervously, getting closer and closer to her home. She prayed to any who listened before she rushed across the open space, diving down and landing smartly under one of the little known bridges over the River Seine. She edged along the small pathway on the underside of the bridge, water lapping near her feet. She stopped after exactly seven steps and pushed a brick in with her elbow at the right-hand corner. It made a slight grating sound and gears whirred as it fell back to reveal a yawning entrance. She stepped inside and closed the door back behind, the door seamlessly fitting back into place. She lit a torch, the bright flame dancing and crackling, making the shadows leap as she walked forward. She quickened her pace until she was flying around corners at breakneck-speed. She half-smiled, it wasn't near as fast as...but she shook her head to stop the thought before it could fully form. After all, even down here, you weren't completely safe. Her smile fell back into a neutral expression and she stopped suddenly. The flame had flown with her but didn't gutter out as an unenchanted one would have. It snapped and popped as she whistled the first few bars of Beethoven's Moonlight sonata. The door opened immediately, and she broke off the end as she stepped backwards to avoid a collision with the heavy stone. She braced herself as two blurs bounded out and tackled her in hugs. She laughed and looked down into two pairs of mischievous brown eyes. The twin boys gave her toothy grins, trying to talk over each other and tell her all about their day. She said gently, "Now, now. One at a time, first Thierry, and then Alexander." 

The two seven-year-olds scowled and shouted, "It's Terry and Alex!" 

She patted each one's head then said sadly, putting the back of her hand to her forehead, feigning a woe-is-me expression , "Oh, but I know not who this Terry is, and who this Alex is! Where are my boys, could you show me where they're at?" 

They giggled and said loudly, "It's us, Gwen!" 

She laughed and pried them off her. As she straightened, a stiff and formal man gave her a slight nod of the head with a dignified, "Mademoiselle Guinevere." 

She bobbed down into a small curtsy with a murmured, "Monsieur Alpha Isaac" 

His lips twitched into a brief smile before he walked away. She stood again and scolded the two boys half-heartedly, "Now, what time is it?" 

They groaned, "Bedtime." 

"That's right! I'll be along in a minute to tuck you in." 

They grumbled and moaned, but scampered off before she could deliver them the "death glare of doom". 

She shook her head and smirked. She looked about the manor underground and was once again mesmerized by the magnificent beauty around her. She had little time to marvel for long, tonight was the night. So she quickly put the boys to bed, kissing each one's head. She changed into the dress she had spent so long earning enough to pay for. She went into her room, where a girl with raven-black hair and twinkling green eyes was waiting. Gwen gasped and hugged the smaller woman tightly. 


"I thought I'd help you with your dress before I left," the woman said softly. 

Gwen bit her lip to keep from crying at her old friend's departure to become a traveler. She just nodded and they began to prepare for what was to come.

? ? ? ? ?

A few quick-spent hours had gone by and Gwen was ready. She wiped away the silver tear before it could ruin her make-up and smiled at Janine. Janine nodded and they embraced in a final hug. They both knew when she left, they might never see each other again. The time for sorrow was later, now was the time to be strong. 

Guinevere was ready to fight for her life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2012 ⏰

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