The Ghost Resteraunt

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It was just a normal day. Nothing was strange. Except for me being stupid. Why did I agree with Jess?! I should probably start from the beginning. My name is Melody. It's hard to explain, I had a hard time figuring it out when it happened. My friends and I almost died! Ok....ok......I'll have to explain.

Jess (my B.F.F), John (my twin brother), Cassie (my second B.F.F.), and I went out to eat lunch at Stripes. Stripes is a restaurant near the middle of our town. It used to be popular, but people just stopped going, and it was never as busy. I've been going there since I was a seven! It's a nice place with great food which is why me and my friends are there every other weekend.

Something everyone knew about was a "tragedy" that happened six years ago. It wasn't even a tragedy! Three kids were taken, locked in the basement for almost a month, and then everyone thought they were dead until someone went to see if the restaurant kept it's vegetables in the basement! I know; weirdest kidnapping story, ever!

Anyway, we were just eating and talking like normal.

"So, how was the art class?" John asked Cassie. Cassie had taken an advanced art class last weekend, and then she hadn't talked to any of us! Any time I saw her she was leaning over a piece of paper with hair falling down around her face and the paper so no one knew what she was drawing until she was done!

"It was good." Cassie replied.

"Just good? From how you've been acting it seems like that class inspired you to draw 24/7!"

"It was basically the instructor having a drawing competition, I made it to the fifth round before he kicked me out and yelled at me to improve."

John didn't respond. He just blinked and after a second started eating his food again.

"So, Melody," Jess said to break the silence. "What happened to your phone?"

I looked at my phone and realized that she somehow saw it, despite it being in my purse. She's always been a little scary. She could rob a bank if she wanted to!

"The old one broke so I had to get a new one," I said "I got the newest one. It's really cool!" After a few moments Jess went back to eating her food and John and Cassie kept talking. Which they always did. I always wondered if they had a crush on each other, but all they ever did was talk to each other. And, sit next to each other, but that didn't really mean anything.

Anyway, Cassie said she had a stomach ache so she went to the bathroom. The rest of us just went back to eating our food. Jess and I were talking for about a minute before Cassie came back. But, something was wrong with her; she was in a daze. For the rest of lunch she just sat there, wouldn't speak, barely ate, and when we decided to leave she ran to her car. Cassie never ran. Unless, she was scared or late for something. That was the first sign of something being wrong.

John and I had been driving for about five minutes listening to the radio when he finally said something.

"What do you think happened with Cassie?" he asked. "She was just acting strange when she came back."

"Yeah," I replied sarcastically, "I noticed. I'm not quite sure, but I thought she was gonna be late for something."

"Well, yeah. But she was like that before she left."

"Well, why don't you call her and see what happened?"


John pulled out his phone and called Cassie. After he left a dozen messages, he put down his phone and I knew what was going on. She was avoiding our calls. Last time she did this she was bullied and wasn't allowed to answer the phone. Only that was when we were 9 and she was being bullied at school; her mom was afraid that bullies would call Cassie.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2016 ⏰

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