Act One.

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{ Zane's POV }

Travis, not too long ago, had decided that he should barge into my house and quote unquote hang out with me. I found it stupid. I never want to do anything, but he always wants to do everything. For Irene's sake, we're polar opposites. Why can't he just leave? But no, he was here, in my house, without invitation, sitting on my couch. I smacked my hand to my face. Why does he have to be here? I walked back into the living room, seeing that he was on his phone. He looked up at me.

"Hey." Travis nodded upwards at me, and I growled slightly.

"Why are you even here." I asked him. He looked at me, in a jokingly offended way.

"I'm here to visit my best friend, Zane Ro'Meave!" Travis retorted.

"I'm not your friend, Travis."

". . . Can we be friends?"

"No. Get out of my house."

"But Zaaaaaane~" Travis complained, putting his arms on the back of the sofa. He stared at me with puppy-dog eyes.

"No, no no no." I shook my head, pointing my finger at him. He tipped his head, like a lost puppy. "NO PUPPY-DOG EYES!" I yelled. His lip quivered, in just the slightest way. I covered my face, growling. "Fine! You can stay." I finally caved. He knows I can't disagree to puppy-dog faces, and I hate that he does. The only two that know is Aphmau and Travis. They like to use it to their advantage.

"Yes!!" Travis fist-pumped the air, twirling around to plop down on the couch. I sighed, walking over to the couch and sitting down.

"Why did you even want to come over, when you could be with the other guys, or anyone at all?" I asked him.

"I live with those other guys. I was bored of them. And I specifically wanted to hang out with you." Travis explained, shifting his position on the couch to face me. I looked over at him, unamused.

"Why me, though?" I asked.

"'Cause you're special, Zane~" Travis cooed, scooting closer to me. I backed away. I'm not letting him get close to me. Not physically, not mentally. Never.

"How am I special, when I'm just like any other person?" I asked him, looking down. I heard a soft gasp. There was a hand on my shoulder.

"You are like no one I've ever met. You're incredibly unique, and I can't spot a similarity about you with anyone I've met." Travis explained softly. I breathed in through my nose. I realized I was sniffling, and tears were at the edges of my eyes.

"That's because you haven't met anyone like me. Just go to Hot Topic and chat up some of the people working or shopping there. I'm just like them, nothing special." I snapped slightly, holding my head in my right hand. A hand was placed on my chin. It was warm. The hand slowly made my head turn towards where the hand was originally came from. Travis was staring at me. It made me feel slightly uncomfortable. I felt my face heating up, and my stomach start churning. I stared at the wall next to him to avoid eye contact.

"Look at me." Travis ordered. I didn't. "Zane." Travis cupped his hand on my cheek. I finally looked at his eyes. They were a sparkling emerald, and twinkled in the light. I saw my reflection in his eyes, and felt disappointed in myself. I focused back on his eyes. They were so precise, the way they were staring at me.. I can see eyeliner. "Zane Ro'Meave. You are a true unique wonder. I know no one else like you. Yes, I've even talked to people at Hot Topic, and I can still make so many beautiful differences about you. Don't put yourself down." Travis leaned closer to me. I fidgeted and backed away slightly, a little uncomfortable over the whole situation. Travis backed up. "I-I'm sorry, I got too close, and I said things I probably shouldn't of-" I hushed his blabbering.

"Shut up. I appreciate what you said. That's all. Don't overthink." I told him sternly. He stared at me with wide eyes. He took a breath, closing his eyes.

"Can I get a drink of water..?" Travis smiled sheepishly. I sighed, and nodded.

"Only water." I replied. He thanked me then got up, going into the kitchen. How did he know this house so well..? I shrugged it off and leaned back on the couch, going on my phone.


Travis was sitting beside me, and I was somehow leaning on him while on my phone. None of us minded. Though, if anyone saw us, that would not end out well. I locked my phone, setting it down. Travis was babbling about something. I couldn't understand it. Why couldn't I understand what he was saying..? I was falling asleep. I let my eyes close, my body going limp, my head falling off of Travis's shoulder.

{ Travis's POV }

I was babbling about video games, thinking Zane would be interested. Apparently not. I felt something land on my lap. I stopped babbling and looked down. Aww... Zane had fallen asleep. His head was resting on my lap, his chest rising and falling slowly. I smiled, petting his hair. It was silky, and stunning. His pale skin was a little glossy. He must be hot under that mask... I didn't want him to be mad at me, though. But he looks uncomfortable..! I decided to be prepared for a slap on the face or a boot from the house when he wakes up. I carefully slipped off his mask, and he almost instantly looked more comfortable. I smiled, seeing how much of a chub on his cheeks were hidden under his mask. My eyes examined his face, taking in all the small details of underneath the mask before he wakes up. I never had seen what his mouth was like, so I looked at it. His lips were a pale rose colour. There was a deep scar going across his lip, and off onto his cheek. There were scars that were at the edges of his chin. I didn't want to wake him, but the temptations of tracing the scars with my finger were growing stronger. I decided against it as I hid my hands in my sweater sleeves, biting at the ends of the sleeves so my hands couldn't get out. I carefully lied back onto the couch, sighing at looking at Zane's high-rise ceiling. I dropped open my jaw, letting the sleeves fall. I put my hands back through the sleeves, then flopped my arms by my sides. I looked down when Zane started to shift slightly. Was he having a dream?

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