Temptation (On Hold)

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    "Are you okay?" I asked, looking over to the beautiful blonde.

    She looks at me and smiled, "Um, yeah. I'm fine."

    "You don't look okay. Having a bad day or something?" I said.

    "Yeah, I guess. It's not a big deal though." she says, sighing.

    "Do you wanna talk about it?" I asked.

    "I don't even know you though." she says.

    "I'm Zane." I said.

    "Annabel." she replies back.

    "So, I bet you have some stuff going on. I'm a pretty good listener." I said.

    "Fine..." she says, another sigh escaping her lips, "It's a relationship problem. It's about my boyfriend or should I say, on and off boyfriend."

    "Is he causing some kind of problem or something?" I asked.

    "I guess you could say that. He can be really sweet sometimes but really over protective too. I talk to one guy and he gets all pissy and starts throwing punches at that guy. I broke up with him once but he wanted to get back with me and we did get back together again. And now, I'm having the same problems again. I want to break up with him again but he has anger issues too and I don't want him to cross the line." she explains.

    "Do you love him?" I asked.

    She looks at me, "What?"

    "Do you love him?" I repeated.

    "A little, I guess." she replies, "But I don't know about him. He told me that he loved me once. And that was when he first asked me out."

    "He only told you that once?" I asked.

    She nodded, "Yeah."

    We were both quiet for a while until I broke the silence.

    "These kind of relationships are confusing and difficult. I know how you feel. I loved this girl but she went off and married my brother. She was amazing and beautiful and I wanted to be with her. But we couldn't. She belonged to my brother, not me." I said, remembering about Skye and Landon.

    "Oh...I'm sorry about that." she says, softly.

    "But I'm over it now. I've started over. I want to have good times and avoid problems. I know brighter things will happen and they will for you too." I said.

    She smiles, "Thank you. You're really easy to talk to, you know. I never had anyone like you. I always hid my feelings to myself."

    "Don't be afraid to let it all out sometimes. It's not a bad thing to express your emotions." I said, smiling back, "And I think you're easy to talk to too. I would love to get to know you better."

    "Same here." she says, quietly.



    "So, Annabel Price, do you want me to drive you home?" I asked Annabel as we walked out of the park where we talked for about an hour or so.

    "It's fine...I'll walk." she said.

    "I insist." I said and lead her to my black Corolla.

    I opened the passenger door for her and she gets in.

    I got into the driver's seat and turned on the engines.

    "It's very nice of you to do this. Are you sure?" she says.

    I nodded, "Yeah."

    I pulled out of the parkinglot and drove out onto the road as she told me her address.

    We were quiet for the whole ride and when we reached in front of her house, I got out of the car and opened the passenger seat door for Annabel.

    She smiled and got out of the car.

    "Thanks for the ride, Zane." she says.

    I smiled, "No prob."

    Before I got in my car, I remembered something.

    "Wait." I said and grabbed a pen and a piece of paper from pocket of the back seat. I swiftly wrote down my number and gave it to Annabel.

    "Call me whenever you want to talk to someone about something." I told her.

    She smiled, "Of course. Thank you."

    "So, I guess I'll see you later then."

    "Yeah...I guess so."

    She gives me one last smile and walks towards her house.

    I watched her walk in and I sighed.

    And got into my car.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2012 ⏰

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