Positivity project

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Positivity project

When I was a little girl
I always believed everyone was a good person
But as time went on, my hopes began to diminish
I was bullied
I was harassed
I was judged
I was hurt

At the end of 8th grade, I developed severe depression
Which took every last bit of hope I had and shattered it
I was constantly tormented by voices in my head

'You're useless'
'You're worthless'
'You're stupid'
'You're not good enough'
'You're so selfish'
'You're so ugly'
'You're a failure to everyone'

I felt my heart crumble away
I felt my mind break
I was crushed by the weight of the words it put on my heart
I always saw the darkness and shadows in my life

But then something changed

I began to see all the light in my life
I saw the warm smiles of my friends and family
I heard their loving and warm words
I heard their supporting and empathetic words
I felt their love

So things began to change
I tried to help more people
I always strived to brighten their day
I wanted to show them just how important they were

So, eventually, I began to remember the nicer things
"You look cute!" My peers told me
My friends smiled and waved at me
"You're so amazing." They said
"You're such an amazing friend!" My friends chirpped
I remembered their warm hugs and smiles
So I began to realize just how important the little things are
How much a few words can mean to someone
How you can be someone's world
How you can make everyone's day

Because you may never know who is in the darkness

You never know who is dying inside
You never know who needs your love
And while you may not be able to cure them
You can make their day
You can show them the light
You can thaw their cold heart
You can be the kind voice in their head
And even if their gratitude is not voiced
They're grateful for your kindness
Because you can make someone's day
You can be someone's light
You can be someone's star in the darkness

Positivity poemWhere stories live. Discover now