Little White Lies (One Direction fanfic )

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*Buzz , Buzz , Buzz*

"Ughh , I hate mondays ! " . I honestly dislike mondays ... I mean who doesnt !? Its like the worst day ever . Especially for those who have school . You gotta deal with them fake bitches that try putting you down . Ha , okay .

"Bri , get up !" my older sister Jasmin says , peeking through the door .

"Yeah , yeah i know . " I said while getting up my comfortable bed , almost groaning .

I headed towards my own bathroom . Yee hate on it . Well I turned on the water and unlocked my phone to put music . As I quickly finished that I put my clothes that I was wearing down on the floor and stepped into the warm water . Oh god I needed this .

When I dried myself completly with my towel and then wrapped it around my body . I got out my blowdrier and started it . As I finished blowdrying my long blonde hair , I heade towards my closet and took out my white jeans with ripped edges and a red , loose , long sleaved, crop top that has holes in the back . I put that on and bended down to get my white flats . I flipped them on and ran back into the restroom to finish getting ready .

I connected my wan and as soon as it turned hot , I got my first piece of hair and curled the tips of of the rest .

When I finished with that I got my makeup bag and started my makeup .

As I finished my makeup , I got out of my restroom and headed to my room to get my backpack .

"There you are , honey " My sweet loving mother , told me .

"Yes mom , So am I walking agai- .."

"Yes . Yes you are , Britney !" my mom interrupted me .

"Fine then , by mom , dad and sister !! " I sighed and walked out my home .

As I was walking down my block , I noticed a not-so-bad looking , curly haired guy in a house 3 houses away from mines . Hmm , i didnt know it was on sale , though ! Eh , I dont know . Well , as I flashback to normal , I realized him walking towards me . Oh god , my heart was pounding . Wait , WHAT !? My heart doesnt pou- ..

"Hello there beautiful , I noticed that you were staring at me . And since I dont have anyone here around London , I was going to ask you if I could offer you a ride ??" He smiled and by a hint in his stare , I could tell he held hope in his eyes . His eyea were so gorgeous . Wait , I cant fall for this guy . I dont even know his name !

"Uh , darling , what are you gunna say . Its getting late , I need to head to school ,too . " " Uh , mm , yeah thanks . Im Britney ! " I put my hand out especting his handshake with a warm smile . "Okay good , Im Harry . As you can see Im new here , in this city at least . " He grabbed my hand and instead of shaking it , he kisses it and opened the door to his car . He then told me to get in , so I did as l said , and like the gentleman he seemed as , closed the door after me . He got in the car , started the engine , and from there drove to school . Since that moment my life changed completly . Which was good for a while , and bad for the other . Today was the day when I finally gave love a try . Because I met him.

When we arrived to our destinition , he got off and sprinted to my side and opened my door and helded his hand out for me to reach for , which I did .

"Lets go to the office . I need to get my schedule and locker ." He said .

"Yeah , sure ." I simply replied with a smile . We walked towards the office . Half way there he cut off the silence.

"Your very pretty and shy , Britney ." He smirked .

"Oh well , thank you , and Im not shy at all . We berly met . Fact about me is that Im not a slutty scanky whore that when she meets a handsome guy , she throws herself at them right away . " I snapped back not processing what I just said . "So your basicly calling me 'handsome' and your also basicly saying you wont throw yourself at me 'right away' , which also means you will , just not right now ?" He paused right before the entrance of the main office and asked with a huge smirk . Ugh smartass . "Uh , we should go inside . Dont you think ??" I tried changing the subject . He laughed and opened the door for me and himself .

When we got in , he asked for his schedule and lock for his locker .

"Mkay , lets go look for this locker , Yeah ?" He asked me putting his schedule and locker number in my face . "Uh , yeah sure and you have 1,3,4, and 6 period with me . Your locker is 4 away from mine ."I told him looking at the both piece of papers he had handed me .

The whole day past and Harry had dropped me off my house after school . It was a good day . Harry seems like a gentleman. Besides the fact that I met him today , It seemed like I knew him for years now . He loves music , hes really sweet and nice , and he seems like a guy that would respect his girl when he has too . He also seems like the guy that wouldnt let go of the person he loves . Yes that happened on Monday the 2 of November of 2013 . After that day a week past and we started dating . I promised to try to not get to attached . But stuff happen so suddenly .

I broke that promise and lost my balance hoping he would catch me . But he didnt .

But , all of what happened on the day I met him , I guess was wrong . Or was it that he was just being fake in the beginning and he finally showing himself of now . I dont know . But the Harry I met that day wasnt this lying , worthless Harry that lives now . That day and the other couple of months that we've been through , he was an angel . But now his like a demon trying to hurt me with emotions . All I know is that I lost my balance and ended up giving him everything I had , for him to pay me back with this . I guess it had to happen . I cant put my finger on the reason . Not yet though .

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2013 ⏰

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