Chapter 1: A Whole New World

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(AN: Before we start I want you to know that there were some minor things that had to be changed for the stories sake, and I hope you can look past it. The Naruto gang will be 19 years old and team Gai is 20.)

What do you do when you see the two most important people on your life running at each other? I'll tell you; run in between them not caring if you die, because you love them both. I did this once a long time ago when I was 19 or so. However, I think it is best if we start from the beginning.

After I woke up from the genjustu that Sasuke placed on me, I didn't bother paying attention to Kakashi. All I knew is that Naruto and Sasuke were fighting, like that time on the hospital, except this time Kakashi was in no condition stop them. I Looked at Kakashi, and he understood what was needed to be done. I took off running hoping to make just I time, because from what it seemed like at the time, was that every second counted.

Once I found them, saw them charging rasengan and chidori. Then they began to run toward each other, and so I ran in between them. I knew they wouldn't be able to stop, but I was ready to give up everything for them. The reason being is because I love them.

I always thought that people are born with a purpose, and guess this is my purpose. I thought back to all the times I had with my boys, ignoring Naruto and Sasuke to get out of the way. I just continued to smile even as I felt their attacks collide with my body. I saw their widened eyes, and faces covered in my blood. I then mouthed words for only their ears.

Next thing I know my world turns black.

They stood there looking at the place were Sakura's body once was, the only thing that proved she had stood between them was her red headband. Why didn't she get out of the way like they told her to? Why had she smiled even when their attacks hit her? Why did she say those accursed words, "I love you?"

When Kakashi had finally reached them, his worse fear had come to life when he saw the sorrow in both his boy's eyes as they looked at the red headband that lied between them. He had lost his daughter like figure. Limping over to the two boys, he stood between them for a minute before picking up the headband, and began to make his way to the village. Seeing as they weren't fallowing him, he stopped and said, "She wouldn't want you t morn over her, and you know it. She sacrificed herself so you would both live your lives happily. Don't let her sacrifice go to waste." Then continued his way to Konoha.

The next few days they held a funeral for all those wo had lost their lives in the war, and for the pink haired medic who died and saved many lives, especially her two idiots who could have killed each other. After everyone had placed their flowers and wishing the dead a happiness in the next life, they began to leave one by one. All except four boys who continued to stare at the picture of a smiling pink haired girl.

Naruto walk up to the picture once more and left her her headband next to the picture, and left with Kakashi and Sai hot on his heels. Saki noticing Sasuke wasn't fallowing he turned to look back at the boy he has dubbed, "traitor," and saw Sasuke's lips form the word "I'm sorry" and "I love you," before teleporting away. Sai then turned back around and walked a little faster to catch up to Kakashi and Naruto. However, he would never speak of what he saw that day to anyone.

A few months later, Kakashi had taken the title Hokage, Naruto had started dating Hinata, and Sai had also gotten together with Ino. Sasuke, however, left the village again to fix his sins, and protect the village from the outside. Every now and again they would visit the memorial stone, and the old Team 7 bridge. They missed Sakura, but they knew that someday they would be reunited one day. When that day comes they don't know. However, will be the day Team 7 will be whole once again.

Sakura had just woken up in a world with a huge headache, and major gashes and burns on her stomach and shoulder, sending chakra to her hands, she began healing herself. Once she was done, she saw that she was on some buildings roof. Going to the edge, she looked down and saw pictures of people with strange clothes on, and a group of what seemed to be fans crowding the entrance, wearing just as strange clothes.

One fan who had happened to look up, saw Sakura in her horrid condition, and assumed she was going to commit suicide by jumping of the building (since she was so close to the edge), screamed and pointed up. This caused many others to look up as well and see her, many began to freak out, some even took out their phones to video tape her. One of the security guards ran inside, taking the stairs to reach the roof. When he finally got there, he crept toward Sakura, ready to grab her from behind and pull her away from the edge. What he did know is she knew he was there and when his arms enclosed around her, she had replaced herself with a log. Many who saw this were amazed, and began to post their videos.

I had transported myself into an alley and ran before those people began to look for me. Once I was at a safe distance, I allowed myself to rest for a bit. At this moment, I began to gather arrange my thoughts to find out what was going on. So far all I know is that I should be dead form the blows I receive form Naruto and Sasuke. However, by some mysterious anomaly I am alive and breathing. Now that that has been established, I need to find out where I am if I'm going to survive in this strange place. Hopefully in the process find a way home in the process.

Putting on a henge, she walked out noticing she was in the shopping district. The place was huge and crowed to say the least. After walking around for a bit, she saw a stall that caught her attention. It was a hat stall.

I walked over to the stall and picked up a hat that really liked. When I went to o pay for it I didn't understand a thing the lady said, so what I did was I just gave her one of my gold yens, and walked away. This happens to be one of the times I'm happy I always carry a good amount of money in my weapon pouch just in case. Now for some clothes, after going into a few shops and seeing surprise faces as I pull out my gold coin. Sheesh, they act like they never seen gold before. Now onto living arrangements. For right now I plan to stay at a hotel for a while until I find a more permanent location. So, I go into one of hotels and pay for at least a month or so.

Once I got into my room, dropped all my bags on the floor, I went to the bed, flopped down on it, and began drift off to sleep. Tomorrow I plan to go to the library, a find out where the hell I am, and find a book on how to speak this strange language. I have a feeling it's going to be a long day tomorrow. I just hope I won't have to deal with the crowds again. I do hate crowed places...

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