Chen - Blushing

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"Well done, _____! You are in the top 1% of South Korea in terms of your marks! A round of applause, everyone!" The booming speaker went off in front of the assembly. Everyone had turned around to look at you. Some were giving you thumbs-ups, while others gave you some dirty looks for achieving much better than they have. You were not quite sure on how to react, so you sort of sat there uncomfortably smiling and perhaps shaking a little.

"Woah, that's our _____. Always doing so well, I wish I could be like that." While walking to your next class from the assembly, your childhood bestfriend Chen had caught up to you to congratulate you.

"Hey _____, you know for all the years I've known you, I've never seen you blush. Didn't you feel embarrassed just now? You were even shaking." The thing was, for your whole life you never blushed. Was it because you always managed to suppress the rising heat to your cheeks, or was it because you had thicker skin? Who knew, but the fact was that you had never blushed in your life. Except once, where you were spotted with red cheeks but even then it was probably due to you laughing really hard when watching Running Man.

"Well, I did feel embarrassed but I think I just don't blush."

"What? How's that even possible, I bet everyone blushes."

"Well guess what Chen? You just met someone who doesn't blush." The siren rang just as you had finished your sentence.

"We'll see about that," Chen muttered to himself, "I'll make you blush whether you like it or not."

On the weekend

Saturday morning seemed to be the start of a good day. No school, no work, no nothing. Especially embarrassing praising. Your day really did kick off to a great start with the pancakes your mum had made.

"I told you, I put my secret ingredient in it. Now go outside, you don't want to be wasting your day inside." You were wondering what you were going to do for the day when suddenly you received a text from someone. You looked down to your phone and saw that it was none other than Chen.

"Hey _____, wanna go to the park?" You decided to pull his leg a little.

"Well, I do want to go, but with someone else."

"Whyyyyyyy? What's wrong with me? Who's it?"

"Maybe someone taller and more handsome."

"Heyyyyyyyy, come on. Don't be like that. If u come, I'll buy u ice cream."

"Hahahahah jk, of course I was just kidding. Who wouldn't want to go with u? Love you <3 :*" Little did you know, your innocent little statement for ice cream made Jongdae's heart flutter.

"Ok, wen do u want to met up?" Chen's fingers were not working on his side.

"In half an hour then, though what's up with ur English?" Chen decided to ignore the latter part.

"Okay then, cya!"

At the park

"_____! Over here!" You turned around to see Jongdae sitting on a bench under a tree.

"Hey Chen-Chen. Where's my ice cream?"

"Oh come on, that's all a top 1% student thinks about." You looked at him weirdly. Why was he suddenly bringing that up?

"What do you mean?"

"Oh I mean, I guess I don't know how it feels like to be that smart. You are so good, I wish I could be like you."

"Umm, Jongdae, are you okay?"

"I'll never be able to do that well. How am I your friend." This was Chen's first attempt at making you blush.

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