Screaming only makes it worse.

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~Chapter 1 What is to happen to the innocent?~

There was only darkness, no noise, nothing except the movement of the car as it drove on the annoyingly bumpy road. The helpless little girl was in the trunk, she believed. The itchy rope that was tied too tightly around her wrists and ankles rubbed against her skin, causing some pain. The duct tape on her mouth frustrated her. It's not like she could really do anything about it, though.

Why was this happening to her? Why would someone do this? She imagined what her parents reaction would be when they realized that she was gone. Mama would cry and have a raging panic attack, papa would scream and try to find her. But, they would find her... Right?


Everything stopped moving.

The car had stopped. There was the sound of two car doors opening and closing, and then footsteps getting dangerously close. And with each crunch the foot step made on the gravel road, she thought of all the different things that could happen to her.


Was she going to die?


Would they rape her?


Would they abuse or torture her?


Maybe they would keep her living for awhile?


Silence filled the air for a moment, then the sound of the trunk being opened snapped her back in to reality. She felt two cold hands grab her and she was lifted up. She violently wiggled to get free but those cold hands were too strong, they gripped her tightly, she knew she probably had a bruise now.They didn't talk, just carried her. Again, all that could be heard was the crunch...crunch...crunch..

After awhile she felt her body being set down on what felt like stairs. She waited, for anything to happen really. A conversation? A whisper? Footsteps? The car?

Her thoughts were interrupted by a sad voice.

"Hey. Welcome, we're so sorry this had to happen-"


"But, we will make you happy. Now you're name is Samantha, right? Well, you get a new name now. Isn't that fun? You're new name is Claire."

The girl felt something softly touch her hair and she swung her head back in fear.

"Now now. No need to be scared. I won't hurt you, as long as you behave."

Those last words hung in the air for awhile. Behave? What did she mean?

She felt arms wrap around her, she tensed up instantly but felt relief when the rope was cut off. She quickly reached up and tore the tape then the blind fold off, desperate to see who would do these things.

She opened her eyes, but winced a bit when the light instantly hit her eyes. She blinked trying to get used to the it. When her eyes finally adjusted, she saw a woman with long brown hair and dark brown eyes. She was smiling, but she wasn't. It didn't seem like she was happy at all. It was a fake smile. The dress she wore was a faded blue. She didn't wear any shoes... She was pale, and looked like she hadn't slept in days. It was a sad sight really.

The girl turned her head and looked at the man. She scrunched her nose, the look of disgust spread across her face. She hated him. She didn't even have to know him to know that she didn't want to go near him.

But, she had no choice but to deal with it as he stepped forward and scooped her up in his arms. She was scared to move, breath, or talk. He walked up each stair, each stair just made her anxiety rise with each step. He finally stopped and opened the door, stepping inside the house..

The girl looked around, scanning the room. The walls were painted white, there was a lonely chair in the middle of the room and it sat in front of a small television. There was a little coffee table but it was broken, pieces of broken glass were scattered across the floor.

She jerked her head toward the hallway when she saw something moving. As it walked closer, the light started to shine on it. And she could finally see what it was. It was a boy, he seemed a bit older than her. He had messy brown hair, a black T-shirt, and torn dark blue jeans. He didn't wear shoes either. When he looked at the little girl, a big smile spread across his face.

"Is that..."

He took a moment to point a slim finger at the little girl.

"My little sister?"

The little girls eyes widened immediately at the word 'sister'. No, no. She didn't want to be his sister, she didn't want to be here! She wanted to go home!

The little girl opened her mouth wide, and started wailing. Tears ran down her pink cheeks as her screams filled the house.

The boy stepped back in shock. Was she injured?

The man fought back the urge to just drop her and cover his ears, he pushed that thought to the back of his mind as he quickly put his hand over her mouth.

"Jesus! I thought you said she was fuckin' quiet!"

He howled as he muffled the little girls sobs.

It was true, the girl was very quiet and shy. But, when you kidnap someone, you don't exactly expect them to just sit there quietly and just go along with it, right?

The woman walked in the door timidly, she looked like she was about to fall in to pieces.

"I...I thought she was too.."

The man hurriedly carried her down the stairs and opened a door. He promptly threw the girl in to the room. The sudden pain shot through her as her body was thrown in to the cement ground. She groaned and pushed herself up with her elbows. She stared at the man with flashing sapphire eyes before he slowly shut the door. The thin line of light got thinner...and thinner...Until she was surrounded by complete..And total...Darkness..

~Hiya! Well that was the end of this chapter. I'm not quite sure if I want to continue this book or not, if you liked it please comment and tell me to make more!~

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2014 ⏰

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