The begining

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        Landon's P.O.V
One month later.
    " Landon please lay with me. Remember when we were younger and you would lay with me and rub my head until I fell asleep. It was the only way I could sleep through the whole night," Layla admits to me as  I sit on the edge of the bed. I shouldn't be here. Joelle is at home probably waiting on me to eat dinner with her, but I'm sitting here on the edge of the bed with Layla.
     " Layla, I can't lay with you," I call and her eyes are searching me, I can't look at her. I can't let Layla see that I'm on the verge of giving in.
      " Landon, please. I don't have anyone else, I've never had anyone else but you and if you leave me," She starts and I turn to her.
       " I can't leave you, that's the problem. I should be at home with my girlfriend Layla. She should be the one asking me to lay with her. I shouldn't be here with you, but somehow I keep coming back," I growl and she lays back not taking her eyes off of me.
" I don't want to be the reason you guys are arguing," she calls but I know she's lying. I wouldn't be here if she was telling the truth.
       " Don't lie to me Layla. You want to be the reason I leave her, you want us to lay together, if you didn't if I didn't; we wouldn't be here," I ramble and she knows what I'm trying to say. We both thought we knew what we were waiting for, but somehow we keep reaching back into the past. 
       " I want us to be happy. Before all of the addictions and lies, we were happy,"she calls and we were. Before she started using drugs she was someone I thought I would do anything for. Now, Joelle is piercing through my head and I can't help but to feel guilty about being here.
      Ring. Ring. Ring.
     " Hey babe, just calling to make sure everything's okay," Joelle checks through the phone and I burn my eyes into Layla.
        " Held up with some work stuff, baby did you pick up food," I ask and she starts talking about how she tried to cook, but burned some of the meat that went in to the Alfredo. I laugh because it's cute that she tries to do all these
" relationship" things for me.
       " I'm sure it's fine, I should be home in
about an hour," I respond and she says her I love yous and goodbyes before hanging up the phone.
       " She made Alfredo with burnt chicken and I'm here," I mumble and Layla crosses her legs.
        " Go home to her. I'm not stopping you from going home to her," she calls and I laugh dryly.
        " You're right,"I start and I get up from the bed. " You just call me all day , spilling your problems not once telling me to go home to my girlfriend," I call and don't give her a chance to answer because I walk out of the door to where I need to be.
      " Hey babe, your foods in the microwave," Joelle calls and I walk into the bedroom where she's reading some sappy book as usual. I don't live with Joelle but we are with each other more often then not and she's opened up to the idea of letting me stay the night. I've even been granted a drawer.
        " I think I'll skip to dessert," I smile mischievously as I pull her to me and she smiles as I start kissing her. She easily falls into pattern with me and I can feel the bulge in my pants getting harder. She starts to unzip my pants and I let her, until I stop her. Why did I stop her?
" Everything okay," she asks and I nod. Im guilty, I didn't exactly do anything, but it's this gut feeling that is not letting her take off my pants.
" skipping to dessert isn't healthy, I think I'm going to eat dinner first," I joke and she laughs.
" Well, I've already eaten," she responds and goes down to unzip my pants. I don't stop her this time, I let her unzip my pants and give me release and I quickly feel the guilt after.
" I love you," I say lightly and she looks up to me.
" I love you," she calls back and then goes to the bathroom.
After I eat and shower, I go back upstairs and Joelle is already sleeping. I pull her into my arms and kiss her as I lay against the head board. I start rubbing my hands up and down her arm and she squirms a little closer into me. She kisses my neck and then falls quickly back to sleep. Her in my arms is something I wouldn't want to give up and the guilt I felt tonight was pushing the thought of her leaving me in the forefront of my head.
The next morning I jump up confused on when I fell asleep. Joelle is out of the bed and I can smell pancakes so I figured she was cooking. I walk downstairs after getting ready and see Sammy sitting in the stool talking Joelle's ear off.
" Good morning mr. Marks," he calls and I smile to him as I see Big Sam pop up.
" Morning Mr. Marks," he calls and I say good morning as I walk over to kiss Joelle.
" I'll bring the movie over, I get off at 7," he calls and then says his goodbyes as he walks out the door with his plate Joelle made for him.
" Movie?" I ask as she looks over to me with a smile.
" Sammy and I want to see Zootopia, so Sam said  he'll bring it with popcorn," she calls and I lean against the counter.
" No invite," I ask and she looks over to me as she hands Sammy his food.
" You've been so busy at work, I didn't want you feeling obligated to get home early," she claims and I nod trying to understand why another guy is coming over my girlfriends house to watch a movie.
" he comes here often," I ask and she shrugs.
" He drops off Sammy sometimes and he may stay and talk," she answers and I nod.
" Hm," I say lightly and she rolls her eyes as she focuses back on Sammy.
" Well we are going to the park today, if you can take time out of your busy schedule, you're free to join us," she calls and walks past me annoyed.
" Have a great day," she calls and I grab her by the waist not wanting her to leave upset with me.
       " I'm sorry, I'll pick you guys up to get lunch at 12:30," I demand and she can't help but smile.
     " See you then," she responds and walks over to Sammy to help him pour his juice.

Waited to breath// part two of Waited For You Where stories live. Discover now