Anything for you my love!

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Donald Trump walked to John Cena's house. They had been going out now for three years, and Donald thought that it was time to confess his love for john. He was so nervous! What if John declined his request? America had already fallen into ruin since his presidential appearance, and John had been the only one by his side.

As Donald approached their home, John rushed to the window and vigorously waved at his soul mate. Donald nervously waved back. It was time.

"Wow, Donald!" commented John. it was a beautiful evening, the sun was setting, leaving the sky a flaming orange that faded into a pale violet before finishing in a deep blue. The stars were beginning to emerge from the darkness; covering the sky in a sparkling blanket.

Donald nervously crouched down on one knee, his back cracking as he did so. John gazed loving into Donald's hopeful eyes.

"Will you marry me?" asked Donald.

"Anything for you my love!" whispered John. Their lips made contact as they embraced, the sound of the apocalypse quietly raging in the background.

Why did he decide to become president?

Please don't bomb me.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2016 ⏰

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Anything for you my love! (a DonJohn fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now