Chapter 1

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I remember an old story my father shared with me and my twin sister during our childhood. Being the king of Venoria, he hadn't had much time to spend with the two of us, but when he did get the time, he always told us the same story of a magical force once harnessed by the ancient Cal'Seth. This magic force was called The Animus.

It goes like this:

Long ago, just after the appearance of mankind, there were the three great wyverns of Blue, Red, and Green. Anima, Orax, and Elswith. These three wyverns were all brothers and they each had their own unique power.

Anima, the Blue Wyvern, used his power to help the elves build their own civilization. He then persuaded them to help the humans to build their own. With the respect the elves had for Anima, they couldn't refuse. Both humans and elves were thankful to Anima.

Elswith used his power to help the two races communicate. He created a common language that the two races could learn easily enough to speak with one another. With Elswith's help, the elves understood the humans very well and thanks to Elswith, the two races could harmonize in peace.

Orax, the Red Wyvern, used his magic to create his own race of humanoids called the Galdrin, which he used to do his bidding. He used them to create stirrings between both the humans and elves, which angered Anima and Elswith. Orax then did an unforgivable deed. The Red Wyvern instructed his Galdrin to destroy the elven civilizations and kill the survivors.

Anima and Elswith united against their brother and saved the elves from a massacre. Orax fought his brothers for dominance over the races of the continent, and in the process, Elswith perished, transferring his magical powers to Anima before death, giving Anima an increased power, but not enough to destroy Orax. Anima fled, fearing his own demise, but he didn't abandon the people he'd grown to love. He took a select few and gave them a magical power and also altered their appearance. They were now more wyvern-like and could use Anima's power. They were the Cal'Seth.

Anima used his new race of beings to fight against Orax, winning the battle and sending Orax away for a long time, but Anima was wounded. He went atop Mount Changar where his allies had created a shrine in his honor. He locked his power within the shrine and entered it, never leaving for as long as he would live.

It is but a fairytale to say the least. My father always told my sister and I this tale to calm us when we were sad or angry. There is no proof that this shrine atop Mount Changar exists, nor that the Animus really is a true force.

"Auran," My father called from behind me, "It is time to eat."

"I'll be right there." I said before quickly closing my book and sliding it into my satchel beside my desk. I got up and headed into the dining hall of my father's home.

A castle, some would call it. We call it the Zenthiar, meaning King's Home. It isn't exactly like a castle, considering it is considerably smaller than the castles of Aisleberg and Horon City to the East. Our people have lived in prosperity with the Horonians for quite some time, and the Horonians even granted the Elvish people their own city within the Horonian continent.

I sat down beside my twin sister, Aurora. "Good evening, Auran. I assume you have had a fine day, judging by that smile."

I chuckled slightly as I pulled my chair up to the table. A fine combination of venison and carrots rested warmly upon my plate. The smell reached my senses and lifted me up in spirit even more. Falkatrax, my father, sat at the head of the table. "So, Auran, you've had quite the pileup of work lately, haven't you? I heard that Rioth is beginning to train you in the arts of swordsmanship. Have you thought about why you want to learn?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2016 ⏰

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