Case 62215

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Case Number: 62215

Status: Not available

The times have changed for us. Kids have grown and are particularly harder to scare; but something is more peculiar about this one child. Child 62215 (also known as Raine Dahlia by her humanoid name) has been real trouble for my employees.

Let me begin by saying, I am not human; I am the thing humans fear most. I am a monster. My job is to assign the monsters that hide under childrens' beds and in closets. However, case 62215 has made my task extremely difficult. Every monster assigned to her has returned within a month, all of them quitting the case. No monster has dared to tell me what they encountered. No monsters dare to even mention her name or case number. Their behaviour is strange, they act as though case 62215 is a curse or a monster herself; but that is near impossible.

Since every other monster assigned to her has quit, I have come to the final conclusion that I am assigning myself to her. It has been a few years since I've been assigned to a case. The last time I had done field work, something terrible happened. From then on, I've stayed within the comfort of my desk job; but this situation beckons for desperate measures. I know I will be a little rusty, but I refuse to let my company bear a bad name. So if you are reading this, I will be updating you on what takes place.

Night One:

It was the first night under case 62215's bed. No one occupied the bedroom. I heard loud voices outside this room. It sounded like yelling, but I couldn't distinctly make it out. After a few minutes of waiting patiently, I could see a stream of light enter the room as the door swung open. A light flickered on inside the room I was in and I cramped myself into a smaller position underneath the bed. I had to stay hidden.

Soon, a set of feet became visible to me. I could see the feet walk towards me and feel my heart quicken in pace. I wasn't allowed to be caught. They got closer; inches from the bed. I was unsure if they were climbing into the bed or looking under. I prayed they were just getting in bed; but the door was still open and the lights were still on. The sound of more footsteps echoed into the room before another pair of feet appeared in the doorway.

"I love you...", I hear a woman's voice call out.

I assumed it was the mothering unit of case 62215.

"Go away!", I heard Raine scream.

The feet that were inches from my hiding spot had then turned and paced towards the door. The door swung shut, creating a loud slamming sound. The light dissipated to black darkness and all I could do was rely on my hearing from there on. I listened carefully for any sign of case 62215 finally going to bed. I heard footsteps travel closer; the sounds of floorboards creaking; and the sounds of springs squeaking as Raine climbed into bed. I decided to wait a half hour to let case 62215 become drowsy.


After a half hour passed by, I decided to make my move. My first course of action was to build suspension and fear. My long talons scratched at the floor, engraving the wood with my name. Next, I dragged my fingers down the wall to create a clawing sound before I tapped my finger lightly on the side of her bed. My hand slowly shifted to run my claws across her delicate cheek. My eyes turned a beady red as I raised myself. I towered over the child causing intimidation and fear. Finally, I leaned in quickly to create an illusion that I was attacking her. Once our faces near touched I made myself vanish. That was my specialty.

My eyes returned to normal and I hid myself in the corner to listen for the petrifying screams. It was difficult to see, but not impossible. I watched the shadow of case 62215 dart up. I could hear her sobs in the dark. I terrified the child. Night one was a success.

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