Chapter 4

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Mia slept through the whole afternoon. The sun has set. After a while, Mia wakes up and stretches. "I slept through the whole afternoon, did I?" she giggles. She looks down at Mr. Kitty who has woken up as well. She walks across her bedroom and opens the curtains revealing a starlight night.

"Lovely night, isn't?" a male voice said.

"Yeah, but it's pretty dange-" her sentence was cut short realizing that she wasn't the only person in her room. She turns around slowly to see a man stretched across her bed looking at her. "How did you get in here?" she asked. "You invited me in," Michael laughs.

"No, I didn't, I invited a cat in here; you know, Mr. Kitty?"

"Meow," he grins.

Keeping her eyes on the stranger, Mia walks slowly to her telephone. Before she could dial a number, Michael moved with inhuman speed to pin her to a wall. "Let go of me," she said struggling in his grip.

"I'm afraid I can't do that, Mia, wouldn't want you to cause any more trouble for me, "he grins. Mia looks at him with shock. "H-how do you know my name?" she asked. Michael chuckled. "I know everything about you, sweetie, I've been through your mind."

"What?! That's disrespectful to my privacy!"

Michael laughs again. This time, Mia caught a glance of a set of fangs in his mouth sending a chill down her spine. "Your privacy won't matter after tonight, my dear," he said looking into her eyes. As he looks into her eyes, he noticed that he was able to distinguish their color. They were emerald green. He could never see color before, but now he was able to see the color of her eyes. With the new discovery, he smiles.

"W-what are you smiling about?" Mia asked.

"I just realized that you're more than a meal to me," he replies leaning toward her neck to inhale her scent. Mia gasped lightly. "You're more than that, much more," he whispers in her ear. "However, I'm still hungry." His fangs enlarge as he leans down to lick her neck causing Mia to shudder. She lets out a whimper as he bites into her neck and begins to drink her blood. She felt her blood flowing from her neck into his mouth as she begins to feel numb. After a few seconds, Michael retracts his fangs from her neck licking the remaining blood from her neck. He carries Mia to her bed. Placing her down softly, he gives her a soft kiss on her lips. "I'll see you tomorrow night, my dear," he smiles disappearing into a black mist.

Her eyes were green. Ever since I was turned, I lost the ability to see color. I was colorblind like a common animal, but she changed that. But how? There's something different about this girl.

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