Put ideas here large or small. big descriptions or small descriptions. anything you can think of to add to the stories or to make a story about.
Giant wars.
Giants seek vengeance against the God of pestilence.
Wormariance attack the surface.
Dragons awakening.
War of God's.
Rea Bellums fall.
Bellums path of destruction.
Lil Garwens adventures in aclia.
Lil Garwens 40 years of torture.
Lil Garwens life befor it all crumbled.
Big garwens life (a wolf's dedication)
Rathrags story.
Creation of Rathragia.
Rathragias importance.
War of technology.
Dwarfen subterranean war.
The dwarfen realms protect the world from a threat the surface never even knew about (something inspired by the darkspawn of Dragon age)Sniper crossbow.
A fusion of dwarfen engineering, future technology, magic and dwarfen runes creat the ultimate ranged weapon known as Dragons bane.
Sniper crossbows are an imitation of the weapon dragons bane, and while there only 20% as powerful there still the most powerful hand held long range weapons there are.An amazingly stretched crossbow with amazing length (still able to be held by a dwarf. though requires a crouched position and something to hold it up. Unless you lie on the ground) a blasting charge at the tip which explodes Propelling the silver bolt (made from silver gold and enchanted with runs to decrease it's immense weight) forward at even faster pace then originally possible.
Runes crafted into each bow can be customized but the standard are magic runes which increase the speed, power and strength of each shot.
One shot will brake the sound barrier atleast twice, the first being immediately upon release and the second when it starts to slow. When shot the dwarf is almost always sent flying on there behinds do to the recoil.
if no special protection is worn shooting it will destroy the eardrums and rupture the lungs.One bolt can travel 5000 km unless stoped by something.
There have been instances of a single bolt traveling through multiple trolls.
Secret weapons of the dwrfs which are only used to defend there most vital cities.
timeline of Aclia
Fantasythis book will detail the timeline of which specific stories will take place and tell what stories happen at the same time and when specific characrers meet in there respective chapters and stories as well as hold an unpublished part for the admins...