Chapter One

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Elizabeth's POV//


~November 3rd 2013~

I never realised how much my life would change that night, I never realised what was happening, I never realised how much I would lose, I never realised how much I would gain, but most of all I never realised how lost I could feel.

Nobody has ever travelled as far as I have or travelled the same way I have.

I now realise this is how it was meant to be, and this is who I was meant to be.

~December 24th 1920~

"Elizabeth what are you doing up there?"

"I am just looking for my beige coat mother, I will be downstairs in a minute" I said while trying to make myself as emotionally ready for this as possible.

"Elizabeth what are you talking about? Your coat is downstairs on the coat hanger as normal, why on earth would it be upstairs?"

I started walking down the stairs as quickly as possible. The truth is I am nervous and was trying to delay leaving the house.

"Sorry mother, I was not thinking properly"

"It's fine dear, I just do not want to be late, you know how important tonight is" she says as if she knew something I do not know, but she does not, she just thinks she does and I have to let her believe that.

"It is not that important mother they have this party every year, I do not think it would matter if we are five minutes late, nobody would notice."

I said while putting on my coat.

She smiled at me. "No Elizabeth I am sure that they would notice"

She then took the hair out of underneath my coat for me.

"You are so pretty Elizabeth and you deserve the best, and I want you to be happy" she said to me and I swear I saw a tear at the corner of her eye.

"Right, come on! We can not keep the the carriage waiting"

She then turned and walked straight out the door.


George's POV//


"I just hope you are ready for this George, 18 is such a young age to marry, I do not want you to get into something you aren't emotionally ready for" my father said while shaking hands with people entering the party.

"Father, it is perfect she loves me and I love her if we are going to do it why does it matter when we do it?"

"I do not know son, I am just making sure this is right, I think you are both great people but are you right for each other?" Why does he always do this?

"Father please, we both love reading novels, we both ride, we both have the same prospectives of life, we both love each other. We have so much in common, it's perfect." I said thinking about what an amazing life me and Elizabeth could have together.

"I know it's great, but maybe you both have a little too much in common" he said while walking away, I did not care what he said because right in that moment the most beautiful person my eyes have ever laid upon walked through the doors.

There she was looking as magnificent as ever, wearing a long red gown,a small white cardigan with half her hair tied back. It seems as if everyday she gets more beautiful, as if that was possible.

I hurriedly walked through the crowd to get to her.

"Elizabeth" I said when I reached her, she smiled and kissed my check.

"Hello George, lovely to see you"

"And to you" I said taking her hand to kiss.

"you look quite the picture" I Said and she blushed slightly.


Elizabeth's POV // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"So Elizabeth Cook may I have this dance" he said on his knee staring up at me.

"But of course" I said and we walk over to the dance floor.

-14 minutes later-

He looked nervous now, I knew why, so now I too was feeling nervous, but I was better at hiding it.

"Elizabeth, meet me under the gazebo in the garden in 2 minutes, I will be there shortly" he said and walked away.

I was really nervous now, but at the same time really excited, I was going to be the future Mrs Elizabeth Wick.

Everybody was beginning to make their way to the garden, obviously to see the proposal.

In the mass of the crowd I saw my cousin Hazel, she was the one who told me this was going to happen, she didn't mean to It sort of slipped out when we were having afternoon tea at her house last Sunday, she was never good at keeping secrets, too be fair though she felt really bad afterwards and made me swear not to tell a soul that I knew.

"Hazel, oh my gosh I'm so nervous. I wonder what the ring looks like."

"Elizabeth lower your voice somebody might hear you!" She exclaimed.

"Sorry I'm just quite excited, and nervous."

"Yes I understand, but I think you should go to the gazebo, everybody will be waiting soon" she said and I nodded and walked away.



That was my first chapter, sorry it's very short.

I am going to try hard to write this story.

It's a fan fiction but for the first few chapters it won't be. It will be about Elizabeth and a member of one direction. I'm not saying which member, yet.

For Elizabeth, I'm thinking Amanda Seyfried is who she might look like.

For George, I'm thinking Eddie Redmayne. I know Amanda and Eddie are both in Les Miserables but that is not in the same time scale. Les Miserables was long before 1920 and both times are a lot different.

For Elizabeth's mother (Mary), I'm thinking Jennifer Garner.

Thankyou for reading and I hope you're enjoying it and i will try my best to update.

Bronté x


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