Korie's P.O.V (Starfire)
I stared at her along with everyone else, though the looks from myself, Raven, Jynx, and surprisingly Beast Boy were all gentle and understanding. "Friend Jade," I stated softly as I floated over to place my hand on her shoulder, "You are afraid of them?"
Beast Boy nodded, "Makes sense," he blinked a few times as he was now the center of our attention. "I was the one who found her remember? She was covered in cuts and bruises." he shook his head, "They were bad enough that I was surprised that she was still breathing let alone trying to go after them."
I looked at Jade, who was trembling ever so slightly. Her face now disguised behind a mask just like Robbin's almost looked dangerous, and with her wings out in full view she looked completely different from the girl I'd gone shopping with just hours earlier. Her eyes looked hard and tortured, and her tan skin had a paleish sheen.
"Friend Jade?" she just gave me a smile.
"Don't worry Star, I'll be fine." she stated before turning to Robbin, "Well are we going or not?"
Robbin nodded, "Titan's go!"
I watched as Dove flew alongside Raven and myself with a look of pure determination on her face. Raven and I shared a look, and that's when we started to hear the fight.
"Just back down already Jester, you know she's always been closer to me!" a female voice, judging by the words it was Thorn, called out.
"No can do Thorny, baby sister needs someone who won't abandon her!" Jester called back.
"That leaves you and Daddy dearest out then!" and they just kept going back and forth.
I was quite unsure as to what was going on at this point, and from the looks on the others faces I was not alone.
"What are they going on about?" Cyborg asked from where Beast Boy was carrying him.
Dove was facing forward, having opted to carry Jynx, and softly cursing.
Jynx looked up at Dove worriedly then looked back at me and Raven. "Um, Dove sweetie, you okay?"
Dove just continued to stare straight ahead, though now she was slightly shaking.
Teen Titans Love
Hayran KurguI'm not very good at these but I hope you like the story.