A young girl's diary

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Prefaced with a Letter by Sigmund Freud

Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul

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FIRST YEAR Age 11 to 12

SECOND YEAR Age 12 to 13

THIRD YEAR Age 13 to 14

LAST HALF-YEAR Age 14 to 14 1/2



THE best preface to this journal written by a young girl belonging to

the upper middle class is a letter by Sigmund Freud dated April 27,

1915, a letter wherein the distinguished Viennese psychologist testifies

to the permanent value of the document:

"This diary is a gem. Never before, I believe, has anything been written

enabling us to see so clearly into the soul of a young girl, belonging

to our social and cultural stratum, during the years of puberal

development. We are shown how the sentiments pass from the simple egoism

of childhood to attain maturity; how the relationships to parents

and other members of the family first shape themselves, and how they

gradually become more serious and more intimate; how friendships are

formed and broken. We are shown the dawn of love, feeling out towards

its first objects. Above all, we are shown how the mystery of the sexual

life first presses itself vaguely on the attention, and then takes

entire possession of the growing intelligence, so that the child suffers

under the load of secret knowledge but gradually becomes enabled to

shoulder the burden. Of all these things we have a description at once

so charming, so serious, and so artless, that it cannot fail to be of

supreme interest to educationists and psychologists.

"It is certainly incumbent on you to publish the diary. All students of

my own writings will be grateful to you."

In preparing these pages for the press, the editor has toned down

nothing, has added nothing, and has suppressed nothing. The only

alterations she has made have been such as were essential to conceal the

identity of the writer and of other persons mentioned in the document.

Consequently, surnames, Christian names, and names of places, have been

changed. These modifications have enabled the original author of the

diary to allow me to place it at the free disposal of serious readers.

No attempt has been made to correct trifling faults in grammar and other

inelegancies of style. For the most part, these must not be regarded

as the expression of a child's incapacity for the control of language.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2010 ⏰

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