Chapter eleven

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Garfield's P.O.V (Beast Boy)

I snarled as I noticed Thorn's eyes stop on Dove, "Well well, looks like the little birdie's finally out of her cage." she cooed in a falsely sweet voice.

Dove flared her wings, her hands balled into fists. But I couldn't stop the small smile that crossed my features when Cyborg, Robbin, and the girls all moved to stand at my side and effectively block her from view.

Jester laughed, "Gee maybe should start calling you the Love Dove!" he cackled at his own joke.

I glanced at Dove out of the corner of my eye and noticed that she was shaking slightly. "Don't let them get to you," I whispered giving her an encouraging smile, or at least I hoped it was an encouraging smile.

Dove took a deep breath then let it out slowly before nodding, "You're right," she smiled at me, "Thanks Beast Boy." She turned her gaze on the two villains, "After all they're only a couple of half bit jokes."

"Half bit jokes," a male voice behind us stated in what could only be described as an utterly insane tone, "Half Bit Jokes!"

"It's the Joker!" Robbin yelled as he just managed to pull Star out of the the way of a boxing glove attack.

"Well what do you expect Joker?" a feminine voice asked, "They're just children after all."

"And Poison Ivy!" Dove snarled as she quickly blocked a vine attack aimed at me, "Damn it all to hell we're so screwed!"

Poison Ivy laughed, "Well at least one of them is smart." she started stalking towards Dove and I, "Mmm, I just love those wings," she reached her hand out and ran it possessively over Dove's right wing.

Dove jerked back, "Don't touch me," she snarled her eyes narrowing to slits, Poison Ivy just laughed and went to do the same thing to her left wing the same way. "I said," Dove snarled as the ground started to shake before large thorny vines erupted from the ground, "Don't touch me!"

Dove pushed her hands forward, as if to shove the villainess away from her, only to attack Poison Ivy with the vines. The red haired villainess was startled and barely had time to counter.

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