This book is dedicated to my best friend Cassidy.K
Chapter 1
To Chloe
I am terribly sorry that in my absence you have had trouble finding a suitable suitor
Sincere regards
I absolutely hate writing letters they always hurt my hands mother and father absolutely despise bad hand writing. I wish i could be normal not so posh like my parents!
Chapter 2
1st day of my new school. The first thing i notice is the uniform one word "Yuck" they are navy blue bad colour! I am not liking the looks of this new school. Its state of the art i know but the only good thing is that its a big school with Big, BIG, BIG lockers. My first class is french... I hate french!
"OMG" i now officially love french so many cute guys in this class!!!
Chapter 3
There are like 5 boys i have fallen for already James, Dylan , Thomas , Jake and Fynn 😍😍😍 i love them all and i think my best friend Cassidy likes one of them too if only chloe were here her suitor could be Thomas oh well.
Chapter 4
Walking home from school today with Cassidy and i thought i saw CHLOE i know right weird i think i might be going crazy! But when i got home mum told me that Chloe had been spotted close by and that she was in great danger...
Chapter 5
I ran outside and started shouting "Chloe" as loud as i could i had to find her! I stopped i could hear weeping coming from a bush near by i ran over to it and saw a weeping mascara running chloe "CHLOE! OMG are you ok? Why are you here? do you need help? Whats going on? "