The Big News

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" Mommy...mommy..mama!" " what paeyton what"! " I cant find kaily's paci " " her, what paeyton"? " her. Blue or pink. Pacifier" " they're in the, sink I had to wash them off, " " I'll take the blue one, where's daddy" " I don't know baby I feel like I got a lot to do" " mommy just. Calm, down okay look at me... let me, put kailyannah to sleep and I'll come help you sit down" " hmm okay" " daddy needs to start helping out more with his kids" " I know sweetie" paeyton goes upstairs and comes back down " erin and his little sister slash niece are sleeping and so are you and now I'm talking to myself" paeyton finishes cleaning and then helps her mom to bed upstairs she sits down on the couch and a little while later her dad trent comes home " hey paeyton" " trent " " paeyton I'm still your father" she laughs " that's funny your a dad you're far away from being a father" he doesn't say anything now let's take a pause in the story for a minute because I know ya'll already wondering about brittany paeyton's mom she's still pregnant she was four months in the first story now you all should know that trent and brittany are married with a son on the way and he. Had, a son with alyxx his ex-fiance, his name is erin moon and he and paeyton have a daughter together kailyannah moon and maeson. Has yet to come back ( or is he coming back? ) now let's, get back to. The story trent. Gets up and goes, to check on brittany while paeyton falls, asleep on the couch and, has a weird dream that about alyxx having a baby with maeson and them living together in. Her, father's old house they go to her, doctors appointment and then go home alyxx sits on the couch and talks to someone on the. Phone, when paeyton hears someone calling her name, " hey paeyton..paeyton.. p come on babygirl wake up" " what why"? " your mom has an appointment" " fine ". She, gets up and gets kailyannah's shoes on, and they leave they get to the hospital and she sees alyxx but alyxx doesn't see her they go in the room and Dr. Feldman says " how are you doing today mrs. moon" " I'm doing fine feeling very pregnant though" " oh okay I understand that... let's get started" paeyton says " can I ask you a question" " sure " " where is Dr. pendleton " " um he is actually with a patient right now " " can I ask where it is " " Im not allowed to give out that kind of information sorry" " are you sure " " yes " " can I have hint"? " no " " fine" a little while later paeyton sneaks out of the room and goes to find dr. pendleton she finally finds the room " so alyxx working on your second kid" " yes my first one was my son erin with trent" " what's this ones name gonna be " " I dont know since it's a girl alyxx monae after me or maelyxx monae which is a cmbination of mine and maeson's name"   

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