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I called chad to tell him I was home. I always love how he is protective of me. It gives me comfort knowing I chose a good guy.  Chad seemed sad that I couldnt stay longer but I explained that I have a curfew and that we have school tomarow I couldn't watch Netflix all night. When I hung up the phone I lied down on my bed. But I couldnt fall asleep my stomach felt like a knife.was being stabed right through me. I got out of bed ro.drink some water and walked my swlf back to bed. I felt dizzy. My phone started to ring I thought it would be Chad so I just ignored it. In the morning

I looked at my phone it said miss call from Alice. I headed the voice mail it sounded like back ground noise so I thought it was a butt dile and thought nothing of it. I walked to school and did not see Alices car. I blew it off no big deal maybe shes still with Tom.

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