How It All Started

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Emma and I where swinging on the swing when i heard a BANG then a loud CRASH and John stood in the window looking out at us.

"What was that?!?" Emma asked getting up out of the swing.

"I don't know, it sounded like gunshots. Let's go." I said getting up too. I was about to get up out of my swing when John came slowly out of the house, with  rifle in his hand. As he got closer to us i noticed the blood trailing down the side of his forehead. HE dropped the rifle and stopped walking.

"I'm sorry i just had to do it she gave me no other choice." John whispered shaking his head. Tears started slowly spilling out of his eyes.

What did you do, John?" I asked him and he had a look of evil in his eyes. I knew he did something truly terrible.

"I had to. she was going to hurt you. See I love you Lacy and you've always known that ever since first grade. She didn't like you at all she was gonna whip you again and i'm not just gonna sit by and watch her hurt you over and over again."

"Who John who in the world could possibly be the one to deserve what you did? Who could be so unfortunate that you would have to go and shoot them?"

"Your foster mom."

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