The Drama Teacher (<3~A Louis Tomlinson Love Story~<3)

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"Brooke, could you stay after class?" Mr.Tomlinson asked, i looked at him bitting on my lower lip and nodded, gathering my stuff while the bell rang, my book bag was still by my desk, "Brooke?" he said, shivers ran down my body when he says my name "y-yes Mr.Tomlinson?" i asked while stuturing, "I want you.." he said, another waves of shivers ran down my spine again, he wanted me? but why?

"mr. Toml-" i was cut off by mr. Tomlinson who was coming closer to me, "call me Louis babe.." he said, another waves of shivers rand down my spine, what is he doing? why is he doing this to me?

i was hovered over him, but i just took steps back, until i was against the wall, whats he going to do?, i was now afraid, but when he looked at me, he soothed me, came more closer to me, "shh, babe, I'm not going to hurt you.." he whispered inside my ear making me shiver,  "b-but we could g-get c-caught.." i said innocently, "we could keep it a secret though right?" he asked..

i nodded bitting on my lower lip, "then we keep US a secret.." i said, him standing closer, our eyes locked on each others, his beautiful blue eyes on my brown ones, our faces way closer this time, i could feel his hot breath, and when he got closer, our faces apart, our lips far apart also, but when he got closer. our lips connected, and we both moved in sync, it was the most greatest kiss iv'e ever had..and it was with the right guy..

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