9/10 doctors would say you're tripping

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[Oliver's bedroom, 2:13 AM]

"What's this?" I asked Antonio.

"Don't worry, it will help you fall asleep." He winked and held out the drink to me.

"What are these, liquid Doritos?" said Alfred.

"I think that's a high concentration of your ticket to hell." murmured England.

"Dude, stop spoiling the mood and drink it."

"Peer pressure!" yelled Potato from the spare bed.

"Ok, you sure?" I was sort of scared of what was in this.


"It smells like weed." I sniffed the contents and frowned.

"You smell like weed!" came his elaborate response.

"Drink it! Drink it! Drink it!" yelled my subconscious.

"Alright, whatever you say."

I chugged the bottle down in a grand total of 2 gulps and felt my entire world begin to shake.

I heard my friends panicking and screaming for a moment before I drifted out of consciousness.

Oliver's DreamsWhere stories live. Discover now