Part 1 Chapter 1 - Lucid Dreams

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"You're coming back."

"What?" She said, raising an eyebrow.

He always said weird things like this. So much in fact, that she no longer paid much attention to it. This was just a dream, after all.

"Home." He said looking at her seriously.

"Ah," Was all she could think to say. "Okay. Sure, why not." Her voice was unenthusiastic with a hint of amusement.

They were in the same lily field that always appeared when he did, same sunset. She had been having dreams starring him for almost 4 years now. He claimed to be her brother from another world, another time entirely. At first, having the same recurring dreams about him weirded her out but he only ever showed up this way. In her dreams. After a time, he became more like a guardian that only existed in her mind. She couldn't help admitting to herself that he did look kinda like her. He always dressed the same. A black button down, neatly pressed shirt with black slacks and black dress shoes. He had long, dark brown wavy hair and a strong jawline. His eyes were the same shade of brown as hers. They were normally gentle, wide and loving but in this instant they were hard, narrowed and piercing. He was very handsome but along with that came an annoying arrogance. There were other times when she found him very comforting and she found herself starting to believe that he could be her actual brother. A brother her mind made up, at least. One she'd never had. He would say encouraging things when she was down, and on rare occasions, he even hugged her. But today wasn't one of those days. In fact, for a few months he had been going on about some impending war. A war, she concluded, were the finals she had to do for her class in a few days. It made the most sense since she always got so nervous right before the test. It was so bad her mind always went blank and she never did well. Of course her imaginary brother would get anxious about it as well.

"I'm serious Cecilia, be ready."

"Whatever, man. Yeah i'll be ready." Ready to wake up and get away from you, she thought. She was blowing him off. Her mood wasn't catering to his crazy tonight.

Earlier today she had a fight with her boyfriend Nathan about his friendship with his best friend who happened to be a girl. She tried convincing herself that it didn't bother her but it wasn't working. Especially when the girl kept inviting him to things without her. Things that she couldn't join them in, and she knew that it was on purpose. Her naive boyfriend didn't think too much into the way she acted towards him. He never saw how she was too friendly with him sometimes. How she touched his shoulder too intimately and too often. How she would hold on to his hand for a minute too long. No. He always brushed it off and said that they had been friends since kindergarten, which was true. But today, she had invited him to go to florida with her. It would just be the two of them and Cecilia had begged him not to go, but he had already made up his mind. She never wanted to get in between their friendship. How could their two year relationship compete with a friendship that had spanned practically their whole lives? The answer is it couldn't. He would always choose his friend and Cecilia had had enough. She believed he really loved her, she truly did, but not enough. Not the way she loved him. Now she had a choice to make. She was hoping she could talk to her "brother" about Nathan, but she knew it would be pointless talking to him when he acted this way.

Alexander grabbed her hand, breaking her out of her thoughts and looked seriously into her eyes.

"I'm real Cecilia. I really wish you would believe me. It would make the next few days a lot easier."

"If i really believed you, wouldn't that make me crazy?"

"You'll see. You're in for a rude awakening." He said with a sly smile. "See you soon."

He kissed her forehead and slowly faded away. The shadow of his kiss lingered on her skin. She sighed. The finals must be tomorrow and she had completely forgotten about the day. She covered her face with her hands. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2016 ⏰

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