Friends with Benefits (Immortalfox oneshot)

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*Aleks' P.o.v.*

It was that time of the year again. where people were much kinder and happier. The time of the year that make it worth going though another shitty year. Although this year to Aleks was much better then many of other years. Why this year so much had happened to the young Russian. Yet so much didn't happen, but with Christmas coming up maybe Santa would bring Aleks the things he'd hoped to have happened. Though he had a feeling that it wouldn't happen. So the young male sat at the window of his shared apartment and watch as the snowflakes began to fall. Dreaming and hopping that this year Santa would hear his wishes. Aleks thought it was silly to be wishing for a man who he's know for quite some time to not exist, to make his wishes to come true but At this point in time he had more faith in a make-believe man then the actual man that he was wishing for. See what Aleks would wish for if he was given the chance was for his best friend Eddie to be his Boyfriend. Now what made this simple little wish so much more desired is that he damn well knew Eddie liked him in a more than a friend type way. Hell they have had anything from a simple kiss to heated make out sessions. They've even have had full on sex, but every time Aleks would mention maybe being more the "Friends with Benefits" Eddie would either one walk off/ignore the question, or two tell Aleks that he's not ready for a full relationship and doesn't want to ruin their friendship. The thing is as Aleks sees it already that what they were doing could ruin their friendship just as much as a relationship could. Yet out of fear or what ever he didn't know quite himself, he'd let the older male get away with not answering the question to his likening. 

Why was Eddie so dead set against them being a couple? Yes the fans would have a field day with that news and some would get very mad over things that aren't even about them being gay. He was sure that more people would be mad that their "ship" was not real then their sexuality and sure some people might not be happy with them being gay but they didn't have to tell them right a way. They could wait, or was it that all Eddie ever wanted him for was some type of play toy. Someone he could come to when he's upset and needs someone to cuddle with and give him soft kisses, or someone he comes to when he's feeling lonely and wants to have "fun". At first Aleks didn't mind it, he even did it himself a couple of times but now he wants more and it seemed that Sly did to. It had changed from every now and again to almost everyday they'd do in one way or another something intimate. It's at the point now that they feel like a couple with out some of the miner thing needed to being called a couple. Like they were never affectionate with each other when out in public or around their Friends/Co-workers. They also didn't posses the pleaser of calling the other theirs witch is a big thing to Aleks to be able to call Eddie his and know that he had him all to himself. Maybe that's why Aleks wanted Eddie to make it official and be a couple, maybe he was afraid of Eddie getting board or tired of him and find someone new. The thought of Eddie finding someone new scared Aleks, maybe if he'd been so lucky to get the reassurance that the other wouldn't throw him to the side he'd might be more comfortable with leaving the relationship status were it's at. Sadly Aleks didn't have that reassurance.

As Aleks sat staring blankly out the window thinking of more reasons why Eddie didn't want to be his Boyfriend he found himself feeling more used and like a peace of shit. This new found feeling depressed Aleks so greatly that it was even evident on his face that something was wrong. Soon Aleks felt warm arms wrap a round his body. It didn't take him long to figure out who's arms they were, and if he'd need a hint as to who when they started to speak he was sure of him self who had wrapped their arms around him. "Aleks" the voice said in a low clam tone "what's wrong?" The normally bubbly Latino asked. Aleks just looked up at said man, he was the last person he'd wanted to see right now. He's the one who's causing the trouble but all Aleks did was say nothing and look back out the window. He really didn't feel like talking ... well if you called what would happen if he'd answer talking. He'd hoped that sly would under stand and leave but why would that happen that would be covenant. "Aleks what's wrong?" The older male asked again tightening his grip on the younger one and when he was meet with the same silence he simple asked again while placing a soft kiss to Aleks neck. Yet the Russian was very persistent on not answering. "Aleks please tell me what's wrong I can see it on your face something's upsetting you." Eddie pleaded to Aleks. Eddie's pleading for him to tell him was getting on his nerves till finally he answered. "do you really want to know?" Aleks questioned. "yes I want to know. I want to know so I cant help you feel better." Eddie stated in a very caring tone. "promise me that you will actually listen and not just blow me off?" Aleks said as he turned to look at Eddie. " I promise I wont blow you off unless you want me to later" He said with a smirk. "Eddie I'm being serous!" Aleks scolded the older male. "sorry .... but I promise I will listen to you fully, ok?" The Latino said sincerely. "ok" Aleks said though a sigh.

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